A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Nightmare at the dentist.

 Does anyone really like the Dentist? 
Jesus calls us to Love everyone, but do we have to "like" everyone?
Yesterday I did not like my dentist.

It's a long story, lets just say I have a crown that wasn't done right many years ago by a              not-so-good dentist. I ended up switching dentists (my current one). He fixed the crown and did it up right, it's been a few more years and now I have pain in that very tooth. The discomfort started awhile ago, especially when it comes to chewing on that side, I usually ignore pain for awhile and hope it goes away, but this wasn't gonna budge.

Friday the pain intensified, of course it's the start of a weekend and I was told that they could squeeze me in Monday (yesterday) but if the pain got too bad "just call the emergency number for weekends" The pain progressed, But I'm a tough cookie so I just drugged up with Tylenol, Aleve and Advil.  (This is the girl who had 10 pound babies without epidurals and snapped a hamstring off the bone but just got up and walked away)

I wasn't about to call that "emergency number" on Father's Day. I know first hand what it feels like to be on-called during a holiday.... he's just about to flip the burgers on the grill while Susie and Johnny run to-and-fro playing and laughing. His wife just mentioned how lovely a day it was and it was just perfect having him home on Father's day, to celebrate with them. Then the phone rings... I wasn't gonna go there.

I was able to see my dentist at 2pm Monday, but nothing went right. I can see now why they make you sign a consent form before the procedure. 

We talked about the options for this Crowned tooth that now was dying. I went with the root canal that later would have a post in the tooth to help secure it. 

The root canal was a botch, not going into detail, but  after much work in that tooth,
it wasn't gonna happen.
The tooth had to be pulled, with a possible implant in the future.

Here's was the nightmare part of the story. There was lots and lots of novocaine, but nothing was numbing the tooth, I couldn't feel my cheek, my chin or my left eye, but when he tried to pull on the tooth I felt it all. I felt bad ,the dentist felt bad, it was bad all around. 

                      One hard pull and he broke the tooth off at the crown below the gum line.                                       Not much to grab onto now. 

Another dentist finally came in and got the tooth numbed up, but the amount of force he was having to use to extract that tooth was still very uncomfortable. After much effort the tooth was removed and I just wanted to go home.

The after effects...

I ran to the pharmacy to get my Narcotics.... I couldn't get there fast enough. No numbing they did was going to take away the pain. The pharmacist handed me the drugs and said, "Now you shouldn't drive while you're taking this medication" I smiled and nodded, turned a half turn to the nearby drinking fountain and took the 2 pills without hesitation. My house is two miles away and it wasn't going to start working that fast.

Ice and drugs

I only had to re-drug once during the night, and today the pain is almost gone. 
I think it hurts worse from the 50 pokes in my gum line that he gave me trying to numb me up.
So now we let things heal up and hopefully it's not too noticeable when I smile.
I fear trying an implant, as I feel nothing will go well for this tooth.
I'm just glad it's over, I have a fat cheek today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jackie, what an awful horrible experience. I'm sorry. I hope your pain is easing.
