A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Advice to my 30 year old self....

I've often thought, 

Wouldn't it have been nice to know what I know now, when I was a young mom? 

It all seems so backwards, we could really use the wisdom and experiance when we are in the heat of life. But then again, I guess that's what builds us into who we are! Life has all kinds of up and downs, We can let things get us down or we can lift up our chins and learn from our experiences, we can choose to be grateful, even in the storms. 

I found this fun little App on my phone, it turns your current photo into a 3D "cartoon you". The resemblance is there but I appear to be about 30 year younger, ha ha

I thought it would be fun to give my 30 year old self some tips and pointers, knowing what I know now......

Take risks, don't be afraid to fail, and don't worry about what other people say.

It's ok to say no... the earth will still revolve without you.

"Be good to your skin, you'll wear it everyday for the rest of your life"

Always trust your gut, most likely your head hasn't figured it our yet.

Love your parents, we are so busy growing up that we often forget that they are growing old.

Ask for help, love yourself and learn to be alone, it's ok to take time for yourself.

Stop comparing yourself to other mom's...their life is not as perfect as it sounds.

Stop comparing your children to your friends kids, be authentic, love your kids where they're at.

Allow yourself to appreciate the journey you are on.

Give yourself Grace

Pick your battles...life's too short

Remember God is bigger than all your anxieties and worries.

"Believe in what you can do and your already half way there"

Remember you wont be perfect, so let Jesus be your role model.

Life if filled with hard times, and good times....Learn from it all, be the woman, wife and mom that God crated you to be.

Practice humility, there is so much you don't know

Parenting can be challenging, there is no instruction book, but we do have God's book...use it and be encouraged.

There will always be tomorrow, choose your priorities well.

You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward, don't over think!

Pray often, trust that the Lord is in control so you don't have to be.

Stand in front of the mirror, look past all the "things" and be reminded that you are fearfully and wonderfully made

Your kids are watching you, what kind of example are you being for them, be authentic and speak truth to them, build them up and praise them. Remind them that God is their best friend.

Look forward to growing old with your husband, We are not promised tomorrow, therefore love each other with purpose and pure joy. Give each other grace, we will never get it all right but we can give it our best shot with the one we promised to love and cherish till death do us part.

I do not pretend to know it all, I'm still working on many of these things myself, but I've had more year to experiance life, more time to get it figured out but also more time to fail. Failure isn't all that bad, it just feels bad in the moment. Failure actually strengthens us and inspires us to do better! 

Be kind to yourself

Small steps every day

Trust the wait

What you think matters

Your friends are your "village"....use them.

Take a chill pill, most worries in life never happen

Pray...always pray. God is so good! 

Love, your 60 year old self.


  1. So good! Proud to be your friend. I'm going to need this advice this year. Ruth

  2. What a great list. Thank you, Jackie, for these reminders. Your advice is spot on.

  3. It has been a blessing to have you in my village all these years. Good advice friend!
