A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, August 7, 2006

The beast

Well The weekend is over, and I think it's about time I do a new blog since I can't stand seeing that last one I did anymore. That was pretty gross, (makes me kinda nauseous)

Twas a nice quiet weekend. Friday I worked so that about says it all for Friday.

Saturday morning was interesting. I went out to mow my Mom and Dad's yard with the tractor....yikes, If only we had some movie footage, I think it could of been on "TV's funniest home video's" Mom was trying to help me figure the beast out so she told me to put this one lever at a "4" (as in 4th gear). Well.... when I took off I looked behind me and for about 8 feet I had just shaved the yard. We are not talking about any old yard.....this is my Dad's yard, his pride and joy. So we laughed for a while, and figured out that the "4" meant the level at which the beast mowed. Oh well, the yard got mowed and there are 6 days for the grass to grow before Dad returns from Norway....He'll never know.

At some point on Saturday Rick, Brie, Chris, Brice and myself played a fun Game that Brice taught us. Cant remember the name of it but it was fun, and we will be sure to play that one again. Then we played a game Brianna suggested called "BS" We laughed until I nearly had a stroke. We were Laughing at Rick, He didnt play the game very well, but he was funny doing it. After all the laughing and the game went on for what seemed eternity, we quit without finishing and decided we hated the game.

Brice took off around 6:30 for the cities, jennifer is moving into her new apartment this weekend, so he went to be a good helper along with Jennys parents.

Sunday Went to early church, then took Gavin to another church where his friend attends. Gavin was invited to go on a youth outing to Mall of America and then Valley Fair today...What a great day for VF.

Sunday night Rick and i went to the movie "Decent"....Dont go.

Today is Monday. I'ts a gorgeous day, perfect tempertaure and sunshine. My sweet daughter has finished her wretched weekend of nights and is fast asleep. Rick is at work, the boys are both gone so here I am. I have a test out in "Advanced Pediatric Life support" on Tue. and Wed. So I think I will go sit at Panera and finish the pre test while I enjoy a bagel. EEEEEP


  1. You are sooooo busy all the time! Man, i don't think i could have your schedule and live! But if you want a good movie to see, i have heard good things about monster house, if animation is your thing. but i'll take your advice on Decent.
    Word Verification: ufjrajlh

  2. lol, Daddy playing that card game, W-O-W. Also, we all did not decide we hate "BS" YOU decided you hate it, haha. Bye

  3. Axandera seen Gavin at valley fair. He was doing something so she didn't talk to him. I don't remember what Michelle said he was doing.
