A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rauchy Boy smell

What a wierd day...weather wise i mean. It's cold but it's not...It's so humid that you can cut the air, but it's cool.....How wierd is that? Anyway I finally put the air cond. on tonight to take some of the stickiness out of the air. It feels better now.
I was the car pool mom for football today and now my car officially stanks like wet B.O. Yep 4 large dirty boys in the car for about 20 minutes pretty much infuses a odor that is worse than the barn. Now I'll tell you, back in "THE DAY", boys and girls used to take showers after practice, thend get into dry clean clothes, that is a thing of the past and it's gross. I'll need to fumagate the car at the end of the season.
Brice and Jenny arrived safely home from Okaboji tonight. They spent several days on the lake with Jenny's family, sounds like they had a good time. Jenny had to go back up to the cities so she can work tomorrow, and Brice also Works tomorrow. Brice and Gavin have already took off for a late movie.
Poor Brianna is working everyday this week, but hopefully it will be worth it to her since she now gets to come to camp with us. She's doing evenings tonight and tomorrow. YUK (hang in there honey) Invitations is the next big thing on the list of things to do. We are working on putting all the stuff together so we can work on them at camp. I'm glad Brice is home since he's the master at computer configurations :)
Rick and I decided to go have an appitizer and pop tonight....we ended up at Applebees. The pop was excellent, just the way i like it.....very "spicey". Well I better go hit the bed, after I wash my hands that smell like stinky wet boy.....I touched the inside of Gavins football shoes....ewwww


  1. What a life. Smelly boys. sticky air. and trying to keep track of kids.

  2. I like spicey pop too, yum yum.
