A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The sky is so dark up here

It's Tuesday night and it's the 3rd day at camp. Oh how I love this place. Got here Sunday around 12:30. We unpacked and then just sat around chatting for awhile. Rick and Kerry went Golfing and Brianna and I went to get some groceries. Then Sunday night alot of us went out for supper in Nevis (a small town,near by) Sunday night it was hotter than a pistol, not fun for sleeping. Monday was another beautiful day. Sharalyn and I went on our annual shopping trip up here. I found a few treasures so that was fun. We were down at the water most of the afternoon. Brianna Kelsey, Julie and myself have been working on her invitations and basically have them done, except for a few details. Whoop Whoop. Sleeping was much better, it was cool enough to have 2 blankets on, and tucked up under your chin.....it was cozy.
Today we spent all afternoon down at the lake, did some swimming and boating. I called my darling boys, who seem to be doing well. Tonight Julie and I put stuff together for a morning meal. We are doing a egg bake, with fruit and muffins, yum yum. Rick and I sat out on the dock tonight in the pitch black, yicks it was so spooky, Rick put his hearing aids in and could hear the crickets and the fish jumping. OH...... Valarie taught me how to dance tonight, so I think I will be a pro by the time of the wedding, it was fun, a bunch of us were dancing, we have so much fun.
Tomorrow we hear there may be a few clouds in the sky, so if that's the case I think we will go to the candy store and buy treats. the week seems to be going so fast it always does up here :(
well I will probably post when I return home. Until then.....ta ta


  1. The week goes wayyyy to fast. But I'm so glad I got to come up. I think you are becomming an excellent dancer! I'd also like to add that after Mom went to bed, it started hailing!!! yikes. I love PHCA!!!

  2. Someone called from camp last night. It was like Oh! I forgot the call my Mom and say good by before we left. Thats ok JK. - a few points.

  3. Fun! Can't wait to see the dancin skills!

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I don't wanna leave...

  5. i LOVE to dance, way to go on the learning!! Betcha have mad skillz.
