A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Brice is home

Brice is home for a short visit, but we are thankful to have him here if only for 2 days.
WOW Brice doing some tricks on the skate board. No broken bones....this time
We had friends over to hang out that haven't been here in a while. Hunter is giving Jenny a massage. Ryan was also over. It was just like old times. I miss that.

Rick and the Kids took me out Wednesday night for a Birthday dinner at "West fire" We had a nice time, it was good to be all together. When we got home rick and the kids played some hoops out on the drive way. Brianna is "schooling" Chris in this picture.


  1. Yes I am. He needs it.

  2. okay if anybody is gettin' schooled, it is Brianna, and as a matter of fact I am the instructon and she is the freshman in the class, whooop!

  3. I bet I could school both of them kids. I was the QUEEN of basketball in high school.

  4. Anonymous8:28 PM

    i heard about the office marathon. that show is great. just like jackie ;)
