A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Suet pudding

Yesterday me and Mom went for a little road trip. We went up to Redwing had lunch there and checked out a few stores. Then we headed over the River to Wisconsin and turned right down hwy 61. There are some pretty sights all the way back down to winona. We even saw some Eagles flying around the bluffs....pretty cool. Stopped and checked out a cool cemetary in Maiden Rock. (I have a thing for old cool looking cemetaries). It was fun, wasnt it mom.
Me and my Momma hanging out some where on Hwy 61

The bluffs somewhere on hwy 61. I think we missed the "change of colors", mom. We'll have to try again next year. Someones wedding kind of took priority this year.


My mom made me some bread pudding and suet pudding for my Birthday, It's sooooo good, and no one else in my family will eat it so I get it all to myself. Thanks mom


1 comment:

  1. It was a blast even tho we didn't see many leaves.hee hee
