A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

My Birthday/Thanksgiving

What a Lovely Birthday/Thanksgiving I had. Thanks to my family for making me feel pretty darn special. We had a fun fun day a t Julie and Briad's house. The meal was scrumptious indeed. Brianna made me a birthday cake and I got lots of fun presents. The kids gave me the awesome Blanket throw (i got it wrapped around me in the picture) Brice picked it out from Restoration Hardware where he works. It's so warm and cozy. I Love it. Rick gave me 3 gift cards to all my favorite places...thanks honey. Brie and chris gave me a room fragrance thingy that i like alot. I got more giftcards, wizard of oz miniature dolls, and money from the other peeps. Mom and dad also gave me money. I cant wait to go shopping. Yay
OH...and the best thing is that I didnt get called into work. ( I was on-call today)
Julie's Lovely Thanksgiving table
Some of the kids playing a game.

Tonight I got my final Birthday present..... I got a call from work asking me if I want to stay home tomorrow (Friday)..... DAHHHHHH
one more blog below....check it out


  1. No way mom! That is so lucky! yipyip

  2. That is such a cute picture of you with your blankie. I'm glad you felt special because you are! I also love that present picture with the money in the backgroud, heehee. Love you!

  3. We stopped by on our way home arouind 7:30, but no one was there. We had pie too share.

  4. I know its a little late but Happy Birthday to you!!

