A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 27, 2006

New blog..nothing too excitng

I think I've probably set a new record for the
number of days since I last blogged. (It's been 4)
I'll try to capture some highlights of those 4 days since I last wrote.
Friday i went out and did some browsing since I got the day off. It was fun to just go and stroll around the mall. I didnt really have a mission, just looking for a certain sweater that I never found cuz it wasnt at the mall. It was at Kohls. Dah
Friday afternoon we had to wish Brice goodbye until next time, I wish he could have stayed longer, but Restoration Hardware was calling his name. *sigh*
Friday night Mom and dad came over and brought pie (leftovers). I made some homemade Chix soup so we chowed on that, and then played "Battle of the sexes" Brie, mom and I smoked the guys (Rick, Chris, Dad and Gavin). There is no question who knows their stuff.
Saturday was a beautiful day. I think me and Brie did some more shopping in the afternoon. Megan came over for a visit, so that was fun, then she left for a date and Rick and I went to a movie. Rick accidently locked the keys in the car. So Mr. Christopher had to leave kelsey and Jeffs house and come to bale us out. Brie luckily had our van key...whew. (Thanks Chris, you got some hugh points for that!) WHOOP
Sunday, Another great day. Cant really think of what I did. Just hung out i guess.
Monday (Today). Started my day out by having coffee with my dear friend Coz. We talked for 3.5 hours and the time just flew by. I think we could talk all day, but we got most of our bases covered. I then went to get my hair cut, spur of the moment ramdomness. I think I like it, I just never like my hair so therefore it's hard to say I like it. But i guess it's ok. here's a picture of me in the car leaving the salon.... Looks kinda messy.
Rick was able to return a favor to Chris and Brie today when he baled them out. They locked themselves out of their house....so now we kinda get the points. yip
We got to have Supper with Chris and Brie at their place tonight it was Yummy. It was a short visit, but very sweet....thanks guys.


  1. i like your hair!! it's purdy!

  2. Sorry Jacike that your hair takes after your father. Baby find and no bod.

  3. Sweet hair do :) We appreciated the help getting back into our pizzad, I'm sure we'll have the joy of doing it again sometime, but hopefully not for awhile, otherwise it could become a nusence.

  4. funny that you both locked yourselves out! Cute hair i like!

  5. Your new haircut LOOKS GREAT!!! Good choice!

  6. I really like your haircut! Very "sassy"!! Can't wait to see it in "real time" !!

  7. THanks for bailing us mom, big points for you. Love you and your hair.
