A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I Love it

Waking up to the snow this am was like a dream come true. I LOVE winter soooooo much and it was just so beautiful. I wanted to cry, but I didnt. So on my way out this morning as I was off to work, i took a moment to snap a few pictures, These were from 9:30am, so I know we got more snow after the pictures were taken. I here we got 10 inches out north of town. I hope it doesnt melt too quickly, that will make me sad.

I think I will need to change my flag to something a little more appropriate, but the color contrast is lovely.


  1. Yes indeedie that is a lot of white fluff.

  2. beautiful pics man, I pretty much wanna cry right now :) just kidding, I don't cry, not unless of course there are no cookies in the house, but that's a whole different story.

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Remember Chris....you lost THE HOUSE.

  4. no!!!! I never lost the house! It's mine, all mine!!

  5. Wow...that's a CRAZY amount of snow. The day it was snowing there i was wearing a short sleeve shirt dress and red high heels open toed shoes:)

    It's now in the low 40's. No snow yet though.

  6. Also on that very same day i woke up at 7:30 am and raked leaves for 3 hours and it later got up to 74 degrees! Crazy!

  7. the picture of the bench is awesome! I love it...very artsy.
