A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Happiness prevails

Just got back tonight from 2 fun filled days spent
with my sister Jodi and her family.
Friday I arrived at Jodi and Darin's house at about 9:30am. Soon after my arrival my sister and I took off for a day of Shopping. We had lots of fun browsing and shopping, and we really did get some things bought for Christmas.
We had Lunch at IHOP, which I have never been to, It was very yummy and I would definatley go there again. I guess we got back to the house about 6:00pm, we had a Nick and Willy's pizza and then Jodi and Darin went to a movie, while i Stayed home with my adorable Nephew and Niece (Sam & Jensen) We had alot of fun playing games, building motorcycles out of lego's and reading books. Sam is a master lego builder while Jensen is happy to just play "doctor or dolls".
Sam and his masterpiece, He was the builder I was the "piece" finder.
This morning Jodi and Darin went shopping and I got to hang out with the kids. First we took Sam to The church Christmas program practice. While he was there Jensen and I found a really neat Pet store with lots of cool animals in it (Jensen loves animals) We even got a Parrot to talk to us. Jensen fell in love with a bunny and named her "Apricot" . We went back and got Sam then headed over to Target. I spoiled the kids a little and let them pick out a small toy, then we had lunch in the little food area. Back home we went to make cookies for Brice and Jenny.
Jensen thought she should make sure the dough tasted ok before we cooked it. Sam did a great job of taking the cookies off the pan.

The many (cute) faces of Jensen....she just cracks me up.
I left about 2:30 and went to visit Brice and take him cookies at his workplace. It was very busy so we couldnt talk long, so it was short and sweet.
Now I'm home and am enjoying listenting to Kellie, Jill, Brianna and Chris playing a game in our living room. I love that they come here to hang out. I just flat out love them all, my heart is happy when they are here :)
Gavin and rick are settling-in to watch "Batman Returns" I'm in my glory on the computer so all is good. What a lovely Friday and Saturday, time with family is so precious and lovely.


  1. OH! to be young and foolish again. This old bod ain't what it used to be. LOL

  2. You are a wonderful aunt to those kids! They are very blessed to have you! Won't being a grandparent be fun??? I can hardly wait! (but I will!!)

  3. Hahah, I love the pics. Sam and Jensen will have such good memories with their auntie Jackie.

  4. The cookies look delicious. And Jensen is a cutie!
