A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hope this one not too long for you.

It's Friday....aready. I have had this week off and totally enjoyed it. Some might say, what In the world do you do with all that time??? Well let me tell YOU. This week I spent alot and I mean alot of time reading. There are 2 problems with that, (well Not really PROBLEMS)
Number 1... I can't read at home.... I become wayyyyyyy to distracted with the quietness AND I always find something else to do (Laundry, dishes, toilets ect.) So if I really want to get into my reading, I need to get away. Soooooo that usually means Panera in the morning and Starbucks in the afternoon, It's very relaxing to me, I get a yummy Whole wheat bagel in the morning with coffee, and a scrumptious Skinny Fat-free vanilla latte in the afternoon. The atmosphere is perfect....a little "white noise" gets me in the Zone. In-between that I've been shopping, but mostly just browsing. I have nothing in mind to buy, just love being out and about.Now getting back to the reading....

Number 2, I have so many books that I want to read, that it drives me crazy. Right now I am reading 4 books... ususally all 4 on the same day. And shortly I'll be adding 5 to the list for our girls small group, but atleast I've already read that one so it'll be review. It's called "TrueFaced".
"The Pillars of the earth" - a novel that Oprah recommended. Not a book that I would typically pick up, but it's ok. I have had to write about a page full of notes on just who the characters are and what they do in the book, It makes me exhaused but, I think I'm Enjoying it.
"The True Measure of a Women" ( I dont think I'm measuring-up, Ha) - A great book to remind me that I'm not measured by the standard set by others. It helped remind me that God's plan for my life is good, pleasing,perfect and it's MY life. God's standard is what I'll strive for, not the worlds. (and belive me I've got a ways to go)

"Receiving God's Love" - This is a studyGuide from the "Women of Faith" series, some great stuff in there and It has me in "The Word". A great reminder of how God has manifested His love to us through Jesus Christ, and How we are commanded to Love in return.
"Blue like Jazz" - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book and I recommend it to anyone, from a spiritually mature christian to a sceptic, or non-religious person.(Without changing anything that I believe about God, Jesus, the Bible etc).... it's given me a new fresh perspective on Christian spirituality. Hard to explain, but sort of a release.....anywho, it's a good one, and I'm still reading and plan on re-reading right after I finish.
Blue like jazz has sort of convicted me in many ways and I'm thinking that I will be bringing my Old "spirital blog" back to life. I just have so much to "type out loud" and for those who care to read my thoughts, will be welcome to read and comment. So that is in the works....stay tuned on that one. It's a new blog, new look and new title (for those of you who remember my old blog).
Ok...so there you have it. I didnt know I was gonna do a book review when I started this blog, but you got one anyway.
Ok, well I have so much to do today, I gotta read.....shop and read some more...........


  1. I liked the book review, complete with pictures. You little read-aholic! Sounds like a good book!

  2. I can't believe you were off all week and only called me when you were on a road trip and were bored. HUMPH!!!!

  3. Oh Mom....I suppose you could have came to Panera and watched me read.

  4. Oh....to have time on my hands like that would be wonderful! I need to get in touch with myself again. It's been such a long time. I'm glad you're enjoying your time off.

  5. Thanks for the book review Jackie! I admire the way you take time out for yourself to read and get away! Glad you enjoyed Blue Like Jazz....now I'll have someone to talk through all the thoughts I have running through my mind on these things!
