A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Well, lets see here...Whats new with me???? Not much i say, but that's ok. I like having a lazy day every now and then. The problem is I can not ever really be lazy....Seems like I have to be doing something, even if it's spending hours on the computer, I think it's because atleast my mind is moving and thinking. So yah here's a little update on Yesterday and today.
Friday- I worked over at Gonda, it was a nice day, we were done about 1pm, but since I was the "late shift" me and a co-worker got stuck going over to St. Marys to help out for about an hour. Our "helping out" consisted of sitting in chairs talking, waiting to see if anything would happen. Turns out nothing happened....hard to explain but we werent needed even though we didnt know that for sure until the last patient came out from the procedure. So I got home and Rick and I decided to see a movie. We ate a bite at home and then went to see "Atonment" It was ok. Not the best movie I've ever seen....kinda dark and depressing.
TODAY (saturday)
Got up and went to work out. From there I headed over to Panera to do some reading. I'm reading a book called, "Blue like Jazz", it's an interesting read.....
I came home and started the mamoth pile of laundry, I should be at that all day. Most of the day I have been organizing pictures on the computer, wow what a job that is. I'm a maniac when it comes to picture taking so you can imagine all that I need to organize. Basically all of 2007. The scary thing is that I havent "saved" any of those pics so if this system crashes....I'm screwed. I would have to be admitted to the psych ward if that happened, jeesh, I cant even imagine how depressed I'd be.
I also put together a little slide show above this blog for your viewing pleasure. You can change the speed by sliding over that little 5 sec bar underneatht the picture. That'll move it along a little faster. Dont forget to click on the "PLAY" button to get it started.
Rick and I are empty nesting....Gavin is at Andrews house, which basically means we'll be here alone tonight. That also means we probably need to go out and have dinner. We'll maybe spend that gift card for Olive Garden that Brice got us for Christmas. Brice says he'll be home either tonight, or Monday night, ( what about Sunday night..... go figure, it's Brice).
Well I cant really think of anything else except one thing....


  1. Thanks for updating, it gave me something to read! I like the slide show, that's pretty sweet!

  2. Look at you now getting all fancy like on the blog! Good job! I've been looking at "slideshow" programs for my blog....that one looks good...was it easy?

  3. I gotta be all fancy like you cheri. It was easy...no glitches.

  4. I would do that too , but you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
