A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God is good.....all the time

Prayers have been answered, and God knows....many have been praying.
I thought I would update you on my friend Diane. She had a double Mastectomy last Monday and good news was reported. The "margins" that they study during the surgery were clear, which is the best news possible. Diane flew through the 8.5 hour surgery and spent most of the week at a friends house. Yesterday, I moved Diane back to her own place. She was so refreshed to "be home". After I got her settled we headed over to Caribou for a Latte'. We sat and talked for about an hour. During that hour Diane must have said "Thank you God" about 20 times for all the things she's been though, good or bad she thanks Him and so do I. She will continue to have Chemo through until September with radiation in about 6 weeks. Please continue to keep Diane in your prayers as she has a bit of a road to travel yet.

Diane a week before surgery
Some of you also know of my Brother-in-law Darin's recent diagnosis of a tumor on his Pituitary gland, and you also have been praying. The Tumor is very large and the doctor's are quite amazed at how "Good Darin Looks". He was told he would need to have the tumor removed surgically and that there was only a 1% chance that the tumor would be the kind that can be taken care of my medicatins. Well.....Today I got word from my Sister jodi that basically a miracle happened. Darin got a great report after results of some blood work done. He has the type of tumor that he was told he would only have 1% chance of having.....WOOO HOOOO, Praise God again. Please continue to pray that the tumor will shrink and Darin wont need any surgery at all.
Things happen in our lives that are sometimes good and sometimes bad. God never promised that life would always be good or fair but there is one thing He did promise.....That He would always be with us. What more can we ask for in the good and the bad of life !
Two of my favirute verses.......

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of need. psalms 46:1

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am our God. I will strenghten you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand Isiah 4:10



  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    oh, i'm so happy!! love, whit

  3. Praise God for answered prayers! Jesus, the source from whom all blessing flow! Thanks be to the God of the universe who is always in control!
