A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Randomness without a picture

So I'm stuck here at home.
Rick is at work.....still, working on a "crit sit" which in layman's terms means, something big is happening and you better figure it out before you go home. I was hoping to go to girls night tonight but dont think I'll walk (about a mile) with this crazy weather. Who know when a twister or bad storm might brew up and blow my socks off. There's still hope, as I left a message with Rick that if he had a moment to get up off his office chair and take a break from the craziness then maybe he could come home for a moment and give me a lift. We'll see what happens.

This humidity is no good for me....this is the very reason I love winter. It's not cold enough to turn on the air conditioner to get rid of it, so I just sit here and moap. Sigh

I got one more day of work left this week, It's been a decent week so far, can't complain. My good friend Sharalyn has been hired as our new nurse manager. Everyone is very excited and pleased that she's "the one". It's always scary when someone new comes in that doesnt have a clue how a unit works and runs. Sharalyn is just the person for the job....she's one of us :)

Gavin has officially passed 11th grade and is now a senior, Yikes ! Many a prayer were said for that young man as he struggled all year with Algebra II. Way to go Gavin you make us proud.

Many of you may have also heard that Brice landed an internship for the summer, he seems to be liking it, another prayer answered !!!
Did I happen to mention how good God is????? Well I have a new blog, Read it if you wish... In it I will share my faith, my joy in Christ, and my thoughts about God and all his goodness.
(Click on the link "heart on fire" top right under blog links.


  1. Hooray for Gavin! I'm so happy for him (and you!)....and wonderful for Brice too!

    I love your new profile pic! Very pretty.

  2. Way to go Gavister. Iknew you could do it. You too Brice.

  3. Congrats to all for the milestones! God has blessed us greatly!
