A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A fun fall day

Every fall Mom and I go out to "look at the colors". This year was kinda ify whether mom would be able to make it out after her big surgery. Well....low and behold she was able to muster up enough energy for a morning of fun. Number 1 proirity was to get her hair cut it was about driving her crazy. So we stopped in to the local Wal-mart (cost cutters) and mom got her lovely locks cut. She even made it up and down a few isles to find some food goods. Then it was off to see the colors..... We didn't wander too far but ended up near Salem's corner. (that always reminds me of some witch hanging site) we did see some pretty trees along the way so that was good. Next year mom we'll have to head out down around Chatfield...Ha (inside joke)
Thanks for a fun morning mom.

This afternoon I dropped Rick off at the Golf course. He decided to take a half day off and play 18. (I needed the car to run errands) I took a few pics of my little golfer boy. Take note of the new bag and shoe...a birthday gift from me :)
Tonight I went to help out at the Football "pasta feed" for the Century football team. It was quite a spread and the boys had some healthy appetites. They finished almost everything off. It was fun to see the guys with out all their gear and helmets on. Now I can actually put a name to a face.
Good Luck tomorrow night boys. "Go get um Panthers"


  1. Very fun blog! I'm glad you and Gran got out to see the colors. That pasta looks so yummy, I'm starving. I wish so much that I could be at the game tomorrow, I signed up for an EA even! But cheer for me "cowbelllls!" jk.

  2. I think Salem Corners sounds like a witch burning spot too! (Salem, MA connections probably) :)

  3. Ready to go again.
