A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Middle Child

Brice is our middle child (as are both Rick and I).
How do I begin to describe this one... He is layed back, goofy, intelligent, Happy, kind and wonderful to be around. He is independent, inquizative, and has quite an imagination.
This is the sweet face of "Bricey" when he was just 11 months old. Already a goofball, we knew we had our hands full.
Roll with It: Middle children often handle disappointments better. Say you strike out in softball and lose the game. If you were a first-born, you might feel guilty all day, but if you're a middle child, you'll probably find yourself just laughing it off. (That would be Brice)

His personality was evident at such a young age.
It was around this time in Brices life that I became a bit overwhelmed with his dare devilness. The afternoon that he jumped out of the swing BACKWARDS and landed on his head was the day I got down on my knees and basically told God that Brice was ALL HIS. I told God that I couldnt accept the responsiblity of this little guys potential tragic death. Kinda funny looking back on it now but I was totally serious. God answered my prayers and protected this little wild man through his years growing up. He's all grown up, but I still pray daily for the Lord to keep him safe. (as I do all my kids)
See what I mean...... Cheri (neighbor at the time) captured brice on the roof, playing his guitar. Why cant he just stay on the ground and play????
Great Negotiator: Middles can be great at seeing both sides of an issue. After all, they're in the perfect place for it! (Brice is a great debator and negotiator...just ask his teachers)

Lots of Loyal Friends: Middles tend to make friends easily. Once they have them, they often work harder to keep them. They're usually good at keeping secrets, too. (Brice has many friends but doesnt have to work hard at keeping them...He is very loyal)!
He has a style of his own which reflects his fun personality
OH Brice..."you just crack me up".
When Brice left for college I started this blog. Guess who I was thinking of when I titled it, "Who will make me laugh?"

This boy has my heart!
Middle children tend to choose careers that allow them to be creative such as: sales, art, advertising, or a career that requires negotiating, well suited for management because of level headedness, and the ability to be unbiased.

Famous middle born children:
Donald Trump, Ted Kennedy, Tim Allen, Julia Roberts, and Rosie O'Donnell
Love to stand out
Want to "do their own thing"
Stay tuned for my first child blog in the near future.


  1. Oh I love these blogs about my brothers. Brice is such a unique person, I just love him. I'm so glad he's my brother. What a wonderfl playmate growing up and still today! It's funny, he is totally all those qualities. Probably the most laidback human on earth.

  2. I am the middle child out of 7. Three on each side of me. Now I know why I am so unique. Us middle ones must stick together.
