A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Anyone got a gun???

Ok... I'm not wanting to be a whimp or complainer but I'm getting real tired of this HEADACHE.
It's been with me (off and on) since Friday. That would be 4 days, not that I'm counting. Ha
Yesterday I came home from church and slept for 2 1/2 hours, still had it when I woke up. Nothing seems to be working but here's what I've taken so far in rotating shifts
Excedrine Migraine
Every now and then I get these nagging headaches that last for days. It even hurts to move my eyes, sigh. Went to bed last night with just a remnant of the headache and woke up with it gone. By midmorning it was back as I was sedating my 2nd patient of the day. I hate when my head hurts at work.
My problem is that I'm kind of a tough old bird and just function right through these nagging headaches. Some might say, "sounds like a migraine". I know people who have migraines and they seem alot worse to me, so I'm not sold on that??? I usually do feel a little nauseous and tonight even a little shakey. It's not stress... nothing to stress out about these days!
Oh well, I'm just hoping for a break from it soon. Oh yeah....I tried caffine,... Doesn't help.


  1. the long lasting headach that makes you sick and shakey...migraine. the thing is...you may also be getting that stupid winter cold...before i got my cold, i had a headache for like 2 days...then got kinda sick. SO...that could be it too. As your doctor, I suggest lots of vitamin C...Zicam...and sleeeeep. water water water. ok? Feel better AJ!

  2. Too much salt in your diet? Not enough water? I dunno...just trying to help. Megan gave me her cold over the phone and I was sick for 3 days. Yep-headache too. Not like yours though. Just Get better Jackie.

  3. I think you should go to the dr and have a good checkup of your head. You take after your mother. My eyes hurt too if I roll them back and forth. I could make you chicken soup. I'll ask my dr today when I see him what he thinks is causing your headaches. I'm sure a plastic surgeon will know. LOL

  4. mj.. Last night I did notice a rattle in my chest and a bit of a achy sore throat this am. Still have the headache, just nagging at me but not debilitating. I'll try drinking more water.
    Thanks for all your well wishes.

  5. Anonymous6:45 PM

    You've taken what I take when I get them. One thing you could try doing (after you take the OTC migraine medicine) is to lay down with an ice pack on the back of your head. Mine start at the base of my skull, so laying with an ice pack on it seems to alleviate some of the pain of the headache...that and a dark room seem to do the trick. Hope you shake it soon.

  6. Jackie.....I'm pretty sure you have a migraine. Seems to me you get these now and then. Here's the deal -- you are at "that" stage of life -- hormonally, that's a nightmare--which ignites migraines. Dr. Nesse told me they are migraines, so did his NP. I take imitrex -- it is a sanity saver. There is NO need --nurse Jackie-- for this kind of long headache suffering! Call your family physician! Now.
    Oh....because I care and love you.

  7. Prolly just all the diamonds and gold on your fingers are pinching off circulation to the brain. Just a thought.
