A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Every year on the 4th of July, the "Erickson side" gathers at my mom & dad's place for an all day affair. Lots of memories have been made over the years. It's always a fun time, reminesing, laughing, playing and eating......
We've gotten to big that we spreadout to different areas of the homestead
My big Bro Rick and little Bro Randy

Rick and Chris chattin' by the clothes lines,
many conversations have been held at this meeting place :)

My niece Alex and sister Jodi

Oh Megan...what a goof, and I dont even think Gran knows you're back there

The annual Bocci ball game

and "'crime scene", which we've been doing for years.
My nephew Grant is tracing Brice's body
Kate and Jamey (the oldest grandchild) having a photoshoot (pic by Brianna)


Cuzzin's. Megan and Brianna are just 4 months apart

My Nephew Sam....getting so big !

Dad's getting an early B-day present from mom.

My Blessings

My Granddaughter and her parents, hee hee

All 23 of us, oh and I cant forget the puppy (back center, major briggs)

Somebody LOVES her cousin Brice. (jensen)

Alex, holding Audrey and Great-grandma's talking to her
Mom & Dad....they started it all
"I love my uncle Gavin, cuz he always make me smile"

The three I birthed..... Brice, Brianna and Gavin
After a fun filled day, we head on over to Stewartville to watch the fireworks. It's a short show, but convienant and there's lots of room for all of us to sit together without being all crowded. We bring, food, balls, tennis racquets, more food, and we sit around talking somemore until 10:00 when then first big bang starts.
Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July, thanks for reading and looking at my millions of photos. Good thing I didnt post them all :)


  1. I love all those pictures, you got so many good ones. I love my family and the 4th of July, I wish it could stay just like this forever. I would like to tell everyone that Jamey and Kate were instructed to "smile with their eyes" and they did a good job, true models.

  2. I was apparently MIA except for the family photo. I wasn't even in any of the ones Rick took...hmmmm...didn't know I was a ghost! Nice family pics Jackie! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Great day, great pictures and lots of good food.

  4. Good Pics AJ! Mom, you would have hated the photos of you anyway. You always do!

  5. Christoph9:13 AM

    Nothing quite like the 4th of July at G-ran-E's hizzle!
