A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hwy 52... paying respect...and cow-pies

It's a long one but I hope you take time to read about this
great adventure we had on Sunday...
Back in April I did a blog on cemeteries and geneology. Rick discovered in his geneology stuff that there was an old abondoned cemetary somewhere between Rochester and Chatfield. The official name is "Coffin cemetery", odd name but I guess appropriate. The tombstones are those of his family, His great-great-great grandma(Charlotte McAlister) is one of the names on the tombstone. It's out in the middle of a farmer's field, no roads, only way to it is by foot.
Some 40+ yrs ago the tombstones were moved off their gravesites and set up against a barbed-wire fence. Charlotte died 130 yrs ago, but her tombstone is the most preserved.
So on Sunday, Rick. myself, Brice and Jenny ventured down Hwy 52 S. in search of a farmers field, all we had was the farmers name who owns the property(which I found on the internet) and a 6 digit number that we hoped to find on a mailbox.... We found the mailbox , then we found the farmer.....
"yep, I know right where those tombstones are". ....
Here's our little adventure to pay respect to family from long ago.

"you can drive on down the field as far as you can go, then you'll come to a gate, from there you'll have to go on foot".

"the gate was down at the end of this field"

"you'll go down a valley to a little creek".....

"then back up a hill to an old dead tree"

"when you get to the dead tree, you're almost there"....

a little farther....

* Ahhh Ha... there they are

The farmer told us that about 10 years ago, someone had also come around looking for the tombstones.
A few of them were layin down and stuck in the ground, Brice and Rick pulled them up and layed them back against the fence.


Ricks Great-great-great Grandma Charlotte. Died 134 yrs ago.

It was a great experiance to find the stones and acknowledge (pay respect to) family from so long ago.
......so back we went.

the tag-a-longs making their way...

and back down the farmers long driveway to Hwy 52.....
Did I mention the "cow pie" that I stepped in ?
I found out you really gotta watch your step)


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    haha- Cow pies can be very tricky. Glad you got to see some old family stones.

  2. great adventure and discovery! Did you do a "rubbing" of the stone?

  3. Cow pies beware. They can smell bad.

  4. That is so cool. I love the directions to get there, past the old dead tree...fun, I wish I had been there.
