A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'll start again tomorrow

No pictures, just a note to share with you about the way my day started..... today
Everything was good. I had to be to work by 9:00 and had extra time to run across to Caribou on 2nd street for my yummy chocolate/raspberry Latte. I brought a little baggie of  cereal to munch on with my coffee, and even had time to sit for a bit before I had to clock in.  So here's how it goes....
With coffee in hand I started across 2nd street and misstepped somehow falling down in the middle of the road. As I fell my coffee cup flew from my hand spilling all over the street.
 Embarassed.... I quickly stood up before I got run over on this very busy street and proceeded to the sidewalk as if nothing had happened. ( I knew all those cars at the stop light had seen my graceful fall, but I tryed to act cool about it) With my pride hurt, my knee scraped and my little bag of cereal in my hand I found the 1st bench available to sit and gather myself.
As I sat down I felt the entire butt of my uniform become covered with water (heavy dew), and immediatley stood up. I had to remove my uniform jacket to tie around my waist so I could cover my wet butt then began walking into St. Mary's toward the locker room to change clothes. Half way down the hallway to work I realized I had forgotten my cereal on the bench outside...sigh
So I ended up with a scuffed-up knee, Soiled uniform, no coffee, no breakfast, and no time to spare. Not such a great start to my day.... tomorrow I will begin again.


  1. awww, i'm sorry, jackie! i hope that tomorrow will be AMAZING!

  2. That is the worst start of a day, wowee. Tomorrow has to be better!

  3. you win the prize for that one! I hate it when days start like that. Boo.

  4. Hope you are ok and not too many black and blue spots. It rubbed off0n me read my blog.

  5. Wow...straight out of a movie...that sucks...i hate that...if i'm off by even a couple minutes i get flustered! Hope today is better!

  6. Oh Jackie...that's horrible. I hope that you had a better day the next day. I just feel so bad for you. Falling, spilling your coffee (which sounded delish) getting a wet butt, leaving breakfast on the bench...worst day ever. *hug* I love you.
