A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This morning, Rick & I headed up to the cities to walk for a very important cause that is close to our hearts. We walked the "hope & heart " walk sponsered by the Missing GRACE Foundation. This organizaton provides resources and support to aid families who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss. We walked in memory of Isaac, our nephew (who died shortly after he was born), he would have been 5 this year. We love you Isaac, you're forever in our hearts.
Isaac's family
My sis Jodi, and her family, Darin, Jensen & Sam.
( coolest team T-shirt ever)
After the walk...and after lunch, Jodi, Jensen and I went to a really cool place in Anoka called "Plants & Things" It's a huge place with tons of outdoor & garden stuff . Everything you can imaging from fountains, bird bath, planters, benches, to outdoor furniture and lamp poles, to statues, windchimes, playhouses and lots more. It's a fun place to go browse and dream of all the fun things you could have. I actually fell in love with this....
It's made of recycled plastic and the fit is perfect. It's soooo comfortable, The chairs are gliders, and attached in the middle is a little table, the whole set including ottoman was about 1000.00
Cant do it....maybe another day, like I said, "it's fun to dream"
Jensen had fun running in and out of the play houses,there must have been 30 of them fully assembled, most of them had lofts, this one had a swing on the porch, adorable.
In the loft, peeking out the functional windows.

Another (pretty cool) play house.

Play houses all in a row
Here's the place with a few pictures all around the property, It's a huge place, the sales people motor around on little golf carts cuz there's alot of ground to cover.

Lamp posts


Jodi and her "big buck". Yes, you too could have this in your back yard.

We arrived home around 6pm, had pizza with Gavin and started watching the Gophers football game. Chris and Audrey stopped over for a visit while mommy is working overnight. We had fun playing with Audrey, She's such a peanut :)


  1. Great Blog Jac'! I love all the pictures....yes "Plants-n-Things" is a great place to dream! Oh, and it is not a buck...it is an El-eck...or are male El-eck's called bucks too? I don't know????

    Thanks again for joining us today and honoring Isaac at the Hope and Hearts walk. It really meant a lot to our family, and we appreciate you guys sharing your time with us.

    We had a fun day!
    Jodi & family

  2. Wow, that place is intense! I would love the buck in my yard, I think it would help to sell our place! Glad the walk went well, their shirts are very cool. Thanks for playing with Audrey and Chris too, heehee.
