A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

mindless...or not

...and this is only a portion of what I need to go through....and "know"

I must read through some 60 slides with alot of detailed instructions and be able to answer questions, educate and draw up the the correct amount of N1H1, depending on certain criteria for each patient..... WHAT !!!

when I signed up for this I really thought it would be mindless...
an easy way to make my salary without having to think...oops
Yah yah yah... I've given 500 billion shots in my career and started
a million IV's, so whats the big deal?
Here's the big deal....
Tomorrow I must go to the library in the Old Marion Hall at St Mary's Hospital and educate myself on N1H1 vaccinations, Cuz peeps are gonna be asking
me questions, therefore I must equip myself with
the knowledge on this stuff.
On top of all that I will need to learn how to "bill" the patients and chart
in a slightly different program then I'm used to....
Oh, I know i can do it, It's probably not as complex as it seems on paper,
hopefully it'll turn out to be as mindless as i had anticipated.

This I know for sure...
I'm really good at "shots & IV's"


  1. Haha...you make me laugh....only because Nurse Jackie called the pig flu N1H1 instead of H1N1 !!

    Thank you for that!

  2. OMG!! Good Luck with that! I can't remember where I put my shoes last much less all that stuff you gotta know! Sheesh! By the way...they do say that the virus can mutate:
    H1N1 -> N1H1- ha! Ha!

  3. Yah what-ev Cheri.... Like I said, I gotta get myself educated :)

    Cindy, I'll be at the Kasson Clinic on Saturday morning, you wanna come get in my line HA HA

  4. Christoph10:39 PM

    1nh1...different strain...Lizard Flu

  5. Don't want that lizard flu.
    Jackie you can do it. Your my Daughter.

  6. Chris! hahaha. that's funny!

    AJ, you can do it. I call the H1N1 the HoneNone (Ho-nee-no-nee)! It makes Josh laugh, and...well me too. You're going to cure the world of the HoneNone. i know it!


  7. Annoying to get through all that stuff, but once you do, it'll be a sinch! I'm gonna come and get in your line, ahahahahha.
