A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas

Long story short...
the house was put back in order, cleaned and decorated
just in time for our annual Progressive dinner Saturday night.

Chris, Brie and Audrey came over to help Gavin decorate the tree.
The evening began with appetizers at Rick's sister's house,
I think it's Gavin's favorite part of the night, he loves the food she puts out...
Next up was Rick's Brother's house.
Julie my sis-in-law did the main course this year,
it was very yummy, wild rice soup, fresh-baked rolls and a salad...
Then it was off to our house for dessert and
our ornament exchange game (always a fun time)
This year the big fight was a nasty looking "quail" that Gavin got.
Many people tried to steal it from him but in the end he prevailed.

We had a house full, but never full enough,
we missed the newlyweds, Brice & Jen and Ryan & Katie.
We hope in years to come they will be able
to join back in when they can.
Next day Sunday
Brice & Jenny were in town for a wedding Saturday night so on Sunday they came to church with us and spent the day here...I dont even have to tell you how wonderful it felt to have all the kids here. In the evening we had dinner with Jenny's parents then we all came over here to watch B&J's wedding video.
Our family is growing...I love it

The littlest one just couldnt keep her eyes open for one more minute.
She had a very comfortable spot on uncle Gavin's chest.


  1. Very special pictures

  2. that pic of gav and audrey is just too cute!

  3. That was the best day. There's nothing like having both my brothers home, with everyone else all there at the same time, and bonus, Jan and Gary too! And I love the pictures! Audrey was very cozy!

  4. adorable! love your new house!
