A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Great fathers get promoted to grandfathers"

As if I didnt already have enough reasons to love him...

He's not only the father of our children...

but he's recently became a Grandpa to our 1st grandchild.
Audrey Joanne, back on April 19th

Seeing him with Audrey has shown me a whole new side ...

of this wonderful man I married.

going from just a dad...a GREAT and WONDERFUL, LOVING Dad to now a grandpa

wasnt something he had to practice,
he had it down pat from the start

He's smitten with her and it's pretty obvious
she adores her Grandpa too.

The name "Grandpa" suits him well

This little girl knows exactly who her Grandpa is...

it's undeniable...the way she looks at him


  1. Awww. that is so sweet. I love seeing Dad with Audrey, he is the perfect Grandpa for her, she is so very blessed. I so appreciate both of you and the time you spend with her. It's fun to have you to share her with! I can only imagine all the memories those two will make over the years :) Love you Dad! And Audrey loves you too!

  2. The role of a grandparent is the best. It tops being a patent, but not by much. They are both right up there.

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    thanks hon - the sneaky things you do while I'm 6 feet away reading a book! As for the Grandpa thing - she's OK :)

  4. What a sweet blog. That made me smile. Rick is good at being everything, Dad, Uncle, Grandpa...Husband (i assume!)

    I can't wait to see my dad be a grandpa. I'm not meaning to put any pressure on anyone...myself included!!! but i just know that when the time is right, he's going to be a wonderful Grandpa too. awwwwww

  5. I agree Megan, uncle Rick will make a fabulous Grandpa Rick too!

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  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

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