A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's all in a days work

People often ask me at work, "what do you do all day".
You see, I'm a "part-timer"
so apparently we have all this time on our hands to sit around and.... do nothing ???
For those of you who know me, I dont really do much sittin' around, unless of course you count my (devotion) reading time I do every morning .
I guess that counts as sittin'
A typical day off for me can vary a bit but here's how today went, which is somewhat typical...

Up at 7:40 to put a load of clothes in the washer, make the bed, then primp a bit before I'm off to my favorite "morning place"

My trusty"Kathy VanZeeland" bag is in the passenger seat next to me,
full of wonderful information

Today I chose to read "Be Still, my soul" (cuz I'm trying to learn to be still), After a few chapters I pull out my backpack bible and continue my reading in the book of JOB
I open my pretty flower journal and jot down a few of my thoughts, all while enjoying a

Light chocolate/raspberry latte....extra hot.


After about an hour, I stop to fill my car up with gas before going home to process the laundry

I love hanging my clothes on the line...aint nothing better than those fresh crisp clothes.
A quick lunch with my youngest son, a little conversation then I'm off again

I'm attempting to find a new comforter and curtains for our bed, so in I went. I found the comforter I think I want, but they didnt have the curtains in the store.
Drats.... guess I'll have to order them.
Back home I came for more Laundry and 3 hours of house cleaning
I'm so glad to have that done, whew.
After cleaning I decided to head to the mall cuz Herbergers was having a sale. I thought it would be another good place to check for my new comforter and curtains...

as always I was drawn by a magnetic force to the purses.

Nothing there flipped my switch, but it was fun looking anyway.
I returned home to check my facebook and mail....see I do sit around sometimes :)
...but not for long !

I high-tailed it off for a long walk (rick had just returned from golfing), It was a good walk!

When I got back home I sat down with this guy to talk about our day

to enjoy this fat-free blueberry yogurt icecream cone
So there you go... that's how I "sit around" all day :)


  1. Instead of sitting around all you do all day is run around. LOL

  2. that was a lot of running around! I know you don't sit around much.

    Check out TJMaxx for a comforter! Remember you don't have to have matching curtains -- just coordinating! Let me know if you want me to shop with you!

  3. Oh I forgot to mention...I did go to TJ maxx...no luck there either Cheri :(

  4. Busy lady :) You have plenty to do to keep you busy at home, or around town :) Love you!
