A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Need for a tune-up

Tomorrow I'll be hanging out at St Marys hospital all day....
not because I have to work,

but because I wanna be there for my dad, (and mom)
Dad's having a heart valve replaced (aortic), and 2 bypass's done on his coronary arteries.
He's always had a funky aortic valve,(a murmer) and I kinda knew it would have to be replaced one day, so yeah....tomorrow is that day.
My dad is in good health, he works out everyday, takes care of his own yard (3/4 acre) and has a workshop that's he's alway putzing in...making furniture and stuff like that. I think I get my "cant sit stillness" from him...he's busy body.
The last few years he's slowed down a bit... he's been more tired (taking lots of naps) and gets a little more winded when he's out there working on stuff. Well no wonder dad....
The doctor says Dad's aortic valve should be the size of a quarter when it opens, but dad's is now about the size of a pencil, that heart is really having to work extra hard to push that blood through!
So anyway... I thought I'd ask for prayers on behalf of my dad, that he will come through the surgery well, without complications. Also prayers for the surgical team as they preform this routine (for them) but delicate surgery.
I'll update in the next few days, thanks in advance for your prayers


  1. You got 'em friend.

  2. Of course I'll be praying for Grandpa, all day long!

  3. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prays. I've already been up since 3:15. Couldn't go back to sleep. So i thought I might as well take my shower and that way Gramps could do his thing when he gets up.

  4. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I hope it went well. I just saw your post so I will be praying for an excellent recovery time.

  5. i've been praying since he went in yesterday! sounds like the prayers are working. Thanks everyone who is praying for my Grandpa..keep em coming! Thanks for the updates AJ. I appreciate them!
