A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor day weekend

My sweet daughter brought me these pretty flowers on Friday. I Love flowers and felt pretty special. She wanted to thank me for watching this little one.....

Audrey loved miss Joppa's big ole pumpkin
We were blessed with the presence of my Brice and his lovely bride Jennifer, ALL WEEKEND!
I was in mommy heaven :)
Saturday night we ended up at Brad & Julie's lake house for a bonfire.....
It was the perfect cool night for a fire, and s'mores :)

Sunday afternoon naps
Then Sunday evening we enjoyed time with Jenny's parent as well as my folks
Kickin' field goals in the yard

My mom (great grandma Erickson) stealing a smooch from Audrey.
Citronella candles were up and running'
Anyone else get attacke by the killer mosquitoes?
Goodness they were crazy all weekend.
Tonight the house is quiet after having a little birthday celebration here for our son-in-law, Brice & Jenny are safely home, and Gavin is "gaming" at a friends house.
Everyone is right where they should be... I love my family


  1. what a sweet little blog with good pics! Such a fun weekend, I'm glad I worked overnights and could at least be there for most things! Thanks for all your help with boo! Love you mama. Thanks for your big open house where all are welcome :)

  2. It was a fun weekend. I like smooching my Great granddaughter. Oh those big brown eyes.

  3. Looks like it was a fun weekend for you. Glad everyone was there to enjoy the beautiful, cool weather with you. I hope i get to come home and see you soon. i would love to spend some time at your big, open house! maybe even Bri and Chris and little boo can come over for a visit! :D
