A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What's your up north

Tell me about your Up North
Last week, (while up north) I was having a little chat with our minister's wife Shelli.
Shelli and Frank are new to our church and from the east coast.

We were talking about how beautiful it was up there...
there being Long lake near park Rapids MN
She asked me, "what do you call this...up here"
My response was, "well... it's up north, we call this up north"
Shelli said, "oh, so this is "up north"
What do you think of when someone says, "up north"?
What memories do you have of up north?
Where is up north for you?

The loons were very close to shore this year

Up North definately = pine trees

Lily pads, oh that's up north...no doubt

Oh and that beautiful moon reflecting off the lake... there's nothing like it...
Unfortunately I can't take credit for this picture. I was taking a moonlight dip with Rick and we actually saw the moon from this view, and yes.... I said to Rick, "sure wish I had my camera" Thanks Chris S. for capturing the beauty of up north from the lake looking back at the shore.
Now don't be shy all you visitors to my blog...I'd love to here what you have to say about up north. Do all states....countries have an up north and if so what's it like...for you.


  1. I saw that moon too, so pretty. My up north is the same for you, camp! And I suppose anywhere we went camping up my Duluth also seems up north-ish to me. And Shelli's comments about up north were so cute. You don't really realize the phrases you use all the time, like 'up north', until someone from another part of the country points it out to you!

  2. Up north is a great place. Up north to me was when we went up to Harley and Helens on the lake. Fishing and relaxing. Those were the days.

  3. Up North to mean is CAMP! and Lake of the Woods, Roseau....up north means the lake, the long drive, the pine trees, the small towns, and the ridiculous two way streets that take forever to drive on! but up north means vacation for me! i love up north and the memories i have with my cousin Brianna, and my family. *sigh* up north.

  4. love, love, love the first pic! So much depth!

    Growing up in Indiana ... Up North meant Michigan..and my grandparents cottage on the lake.

    Living in NY Up North meant the Adirondacks -- one of my favorite places.
