A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Days gone by

My little brother (the blond on the far left) recently sent me this prize photo
He pulled it from his 70's archive.

Here's a few facts (thoughts) I have about this one.....

Randy, Rick, Jodi and me
I'm pretty sure this is our trip out to Colorado 1971. Dad rented this pop-up and we camped along the way.

Our ages would have been 3-9-10-11.

Not sure why the boys are wearing long pants...this was summer.

I'm especially fond of my nice haircut, mainly the high bangs...thanks for that mom.

My brothers have matching shirts, I'm thinking mom made them...she did that to us.

The hand on top of my sisters head demonstrates the
dominate force I had (and still have) over her.

Thanks for sharing the picture Randy, seems like only yesterday....


  1. Haha, I love the old pictures of you guys, it's fun to think of you all as little siblings going on a camping trip. Sweet bangs.

  2. No JK I didn't make the shirts. If I remember right I got then on sale for two for a dollar. Oh the good old days when you could get cheap duds that lasted more than a year. The shirts would be good to go. p.s. I think that was the trip to GA and we were in a camp place in Tennsee where the bugs tried to ear us alive.

  3. Sorry I just found out I bloged as Brianna.

  4. What wonderful memories!

  5. It's so fun to go down memory lane!

  6. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Hello (Not much older) Sister.
    The fancy tie-dyed shirts were Easter presents from the Easter bunny! Not from Mom. They were polyester and I'd bet they still look like new; somewhere deep in the Rochester landfill. As far as the pants... I don't believe we had a lot of shorts. Plus, neither of us boys have calves. This was the great american road trip to Colorado. Enjoyed the post.

    Number 3

  7. i love love this old pic. SO fun to see you all as little kids.
