A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unbeknownst to me the packages below showed up on our doorstep a few weeks ago

We knew he'd been wanting a upgrade

but we didn't know he went ahead and ordered it....all by himself

Our Gavin is growing up....
he is capable of making decisions, deciding if he can afford it and
DOING it without our input.

After a long summer of unsuccessful job hunting Gavin finally was in the right place at the right time and landed a job as a driver for Erbert & Gerberts. The tips alone are enough to live on and what he doesn't need goes in the bank. The cool thing about that is his entire check goes into savings. So while Gavin tries to figure out what he wants to do with his young life he is saving and debt-free. He is realizing that along with a job he is now expected to budget his money for things like car insurance, and stuff that just "comes up"

So yah.. the drum set was a much awaited purchase, something Gavin enjoys doing but doesn't necessarily like for others to hear him. The kid is very musically talented, he doesn't read music but plays a keyboard like no other, and he's been banging the drum since he was little.

Gavin had a little helper as he began to put his set together.

Guy time...showing dad how it's done

Proud owner of a beautiful new drum set.

This is what I get when I try to get a little video him banging.

Oh Gavin, How I love you son.


  1. Sounds like he is making a lot of good financial decisons. What a fun purchase.

  2. What a fun purchase! Maybe Gavin will have to take a video of YOU playing!

  3. Way to go Gavin. Someday you will play for me. Got that?

  4. Love it. Such a pretty set. That video is hilarious, "It's on, I can see it!" hahah, Oh Gavin.

  5. that's fun!! way to go Gav! i love the video jackie...hilarious!

  6. That video is classic Gavin. :-) Love it!!
