A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Such a beautiful unselfish example of the love a man has for his wife

I was talking to a 56 yr old guy today about life as he's dying from pancreatic cancer.
Yep that's the kind of conversations I get to have in my job.

He told me by the time he was diagnosed the tumor had already spread too far, so now all they can do is give him a few more months, maybe a year.
As we talked he never gave me one hint that he was sorry for himself ,
he joked a bit with me just talking about life as he knows it now.

I was thankful to have time to listen

The thing that grabbed my attention was when he said this....

He said, "you know what bothers me the most about all this (having terminal cancer)? As his voice shakes a bit he says....
"knowing my wife will have to shovel, she shouldn't have to do that"

I had all I could do to hold it together,...whew.
Now that's a man's love for his wife....

It seems so small, but so important to him as a husband. To provide for his wife, to care for her, to show love to her in little things like shoveling the driveway.

This cancer thing is wearing me out.... No, I don't have it but the patients I care for do... I see it everyday, I hear the sadness in their voices as the hope dwindles, I see their pain in procedures that spare them some time. I see their families, the one who love them...who care for them. All I can do is listen, hold their hands and later...on my way home from work...

Pray that they know Jesus, and that the hope we have in him is far greater than life as we know it here on earth

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will give us later. Romans 8:18


  1. I think a nurse has a very hard job. They are very special people. I was a nurse aide back in the 50's and 60's. I know things have changed for the better but I still know where a nurse comes from. keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you for sharing an important reminder. God Bless you for caring for those so ill.

  3. What a sweet, loving man. I am also fed up with cancer and people dying to suddenly :( I'm sure that man was grateful for your listening ear.

  4. My Mom has been a nurse for 30 plus years. She has worked on an oncology floor for a number of them. I don't know how she does it. Thanks so much for sharing your perspective and being a blessing to your patients! You have given me a new perspective on what my Mom does.

  5. That made my eyes water and my throat restrict. You're a blessing to all those people whose lives you touch every day. Love you AJ.
