A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dedicated stylish bloggers

There's nothing like being a blogger and knowing you've been read...

Sometimes you wonder if anyone reads.... you usually get the same 4 -5 people who comment who you sooooo appreciate, but you often wonder.... Is anyone reading.
I got a nice surprise today from someone I've never met, but I've heard a lot about. Her name is Jill http://chillinwithjill.blogspot. (she is the sister of one of my good friends). She gave me this very nice award called the "stylish blogger award". I was humbled and pleased all at the same time. Thank you for your kind words Jill and now I have another blogger friend to add to my reads.

The rules say that I must tell you 7 things about myself that you didnt already know. This could be hard, lets see what I can come up with...
1. When I was a little girl I wanted so much to be a boy.
2. I played on a boys baseball team until I was 13.
3. As I age I'm discovering that I'm not the extrovert I used to be
4. I married my one and only boyfriend...that was almost 29 yrs ago.
5. I went to college to play volleyball & Softball, nursing was my "minor"
6. I would LOVE maintain the grounds of small businesses/parks for a profession
7. I see nature as Gods artwork... I marvel in it, and love taking photo's of nature

Next, I am to pass on this award to 15 other bloggers.
Blogs that I enjoy reading and think you would to.

1. http://brianna14.blogspot.com My sweet daughter who is a busy mom, but finds time to blog about friends, family, her daily life and my beautiful granddaughter.

2. http://cherikirk.blogspot.com My friend who I admire for her ability to do anything. Her blogs are creative and fun to read. They include family, projects, photography, recipes and just fun random things

3. http://deedeefreemire.blogspot.com Friend from Chicago (who happens to be the sister of my friend above). She is open and honest, blogging about family, trials, her family and her love of running.

4. http://thepickerfamily.blogspot.com A young mom with a sweet 5 year old, she has very enduring blogs about her family and moments with the little guy.

5. http://kroeningfamily.blogspot.com Takes incredible photos of her little boys, and has some pretty sweet blogs on family

6. http://thepioneerwoman.com City girl marries a rancher. Love her photography, recipes and stories about her children.

7. http://www.skinnytaste.com This food blogger has the most incredible recipes, I have featured many of her recipes in my blog. Check it out.

8. http://cradic.blogspot.com Blogs about friends , family, country life, food and her sweet little guy

9. http://wordsthatsmelllikeautumn.blogspot.com An avid reader and writer, honest about herself, she loves Christ, teenagers, reading , writing...she just loves people.

Congratulations Ladies! You are all so deserving!

Here are the rules for accepting this award:

1) Thank and link back to the person (or people) who gave you this award.

2) Share 7 things about yourself.

3) Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

4) Contact these bloggers and tell them about this award.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Thanks for choosing my site, I am honored!

  2. Thanks for the nomination friend! How cool!

  3. Oh I am so very honored to have my blog mentioned!

  4. Jackie! I am not so sure I deserve this award, but am honored! I see I am in great company!
