A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Playing with giants

This painting was done by one of my favorite artist... Robert Duncan
"Playing with giants"

It hangs on my bedroom wall, right above our bed.

I love this print for a couple of reasons,
It's a winter scene and
There's a little person in this picture that reminds me of someone...

That little boy walking on the bottom right, he's the one...

Here's a close up of that little guy in the painting

Might you guess who I think of every time I look at this print?

My boy Brice
when he was just 5 yrs old.

See the resemblance?


  1. Oh my goodness, it could be him! What a beautiful painting.

  2. From the day you hung that picture and showed me it in your room I was sure that little guy was Brice! Love the pic -- even the snow. (as long as it is in the picture) hehe

  3. It's totally Brice! That artist painted Brice and he didn't even know it!

  4. People say everyone has a double. That is Brice's.

  5. I love this painting for many reasons. I can sure see why you love it! Brice is his twin and he is adorable!

  6. brice9:22 AM

    i don't see it.

  7. Wow, that is a striking resemblance! pretty cool!

  8. So sweet, and there really is a resemblance:)
