A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My summer reads...

Saturday morning I spent some time in the book store looking for a few good reads for the summer. 
Here's what I came up with

I have some quirky requirements when choosing of books.

1. First and foremost the book has to have an interesting cover.
2. The book has to be at least 5x7 in size 
3. I wont read romance novels or westerns
4. I dont follow a particular author, but sometime do end up reading books by the same author

...like  the book below, although when I discovered this book (in the new best seller section) I didn't know it was the same author I had read before. 

I like this Author and have also read his book, The Mulligan, Two things I like about Jorgenson,  He's a local boy... he grew up on a farm in rural Minnesota, and
the story is set in the tall pines of northern Minnesota's lake country.
 Reminds me of my favorite place to be, "pine haven"

I also like recommendations... This one from Dora

 Currently reading 
The cover got me... 
Narrarated by a 5 yr old boy
"A stunning and original novel of survival in captivity, readers who enter Room will leave staggered, as though, like Jack, they are seeing the world for the very first time". --Lynette Mong

One readers review: "All in all, this novel is elegantly told, superbly structured and the most original piece of fiction I've read in years. It's deserving of every positive adjective I can throw at it; marvelous, and thrilling.

Tell me what books you are reading... friends recommendations are sometimes the best.


  1. Looks like quite a find.

  2. I read Cutting for Stone last summer and loved it! The Help is also really good. This summer I want to read Beloved. I've read the Island it was o.k. and The Postmistress I couldn't get into it. Brian and I are ready Crazy Love right now, having a hard time getting into it. I'll have to think about this. I'm going to put together a list for my blog and I need some ideas too!

  3. Sounds like a good list, Jackie. I know it doesn't fit your "size" requirements but Heaven is Real is a book I really enjoyed. I broke down and got a Color Nook so am reading some books I normally wouldn't read. It's kind of fun.

  4. Jac', I just finished 'Waiting for White Horses' and it was very, very good....but make sure you have a box of tissues handy...you will need them! I read the 'Mulligan' too....I think it is actually your copy that mom had and let me borrow...really liked it so looked up the author and found this one. He also has a 3rd book that is out on 6/10, that I think is a pre-quel for White Horses. Can't wait for that one too!
