A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is how we do it

Every mommy could use a few hours to.... catch up.

I had Audrey all to myself for 4 hours, while her mommy caught up.

It's not often I actually get Audrey all to myself, so I cherished every little minute we spent together on this beautiful day.

First stop....
the park
She is running full blast ahead of my, jibber-jabbing all the way.

the slide

Pickin' flowers

Second stop...
Walmart, so grandma could run a few errands
Audrey sharing her cookie with the new baby grandma bought.

Third stop...
Grandma's house to play some more
She really loves that baby.

Fourth stop...
Valentino's to have lunch with Uncle Gavin & Grandpa.
By now she had worked up quite an appetite.

I'm so blessed to have this little one in my life.
Thanks for playing with Grandma today Audrey :)


  1. Oh wow, such sweet pictures! I love how she's running with glee to the park, how she's feeding and swinging with her baby, and her happy little pizza face. Thanks for taking her, I am officially caught up, at least for now! It feels so good!

  2. Good job granny Jackie. I couldn't watch her because I had to get gramps off on his trip. :(

  3. She is such a little doll herself!
