A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Book review

I finished my first "summer read" last night.
I wasn't all that impressed with a book that has gotten rave reviews. 
It was just ok for me. 

The Room is about a 5 yr old boy and his mother. 
The mom was abducted when she was 19 and ended up having the boy by her abductor. They are prisoners in a 11x11 room for 5 years. 

Without giving away the story, I'll tell you this much of what I thought.  
The story is told by the 5 yr old Jack, for some reason his words were annoying and very baby-like . I don't believe his educated mother would have let him talk the way he did, beside all they did was watch TV, so I think he would have picked up better language skills from that as well. 
 The beginning of the book was ok but the repetitive days went on and on for chapters.  The writer puts the climax in the middle of the book, after that there was basically no more story, a lot of stuff that didn't make sense.... it just simply petered out in the 2nd half. 
I expected more from this book after reading those rave reviews, but it just didn't live up to the hype. 
 It's slow, monotonous and plotless.
I finished this book only because I thought there would be a great ending...
didn't happen

On to my 2nd summer read
Cutting for stone by Abraham Verghese

*I just finished the prologue... It's got my attention*


  1. Thanks for sparing me this read, Jackie. It was on my list.

  2. Jackie - I just finished Cutting for Stone...it's an interesting one! :) One light and one heavy (but really good) books: "Sweetness at the bottom of the pie" and "Unbroken"- amazing story (based on real life written by Laura Hilenbrand - she also wrote Seabuscuit..
    Thanks for sharing your review of "Room" it's on my list and I may just put it at the end now :)

  3. I haven't had much luck with my summer reads this year either Jackie. I couldn't get into two so far. I got to chapter 10 of Jane Eyre, but it is due back with a waiting list so I can't renew it. I'm on the Life of Pi right now and it is a little slow going as well. I read Cutting for Stone last summer and I really liked it! It's not necessarily a "happy" story , but a very good read. Enjoy!

  4. I'm trying to read The Girl with The Dragon Tatoo --- and I mean TRYING. For all the hype, I'm not too impressed. at least not yet.

  5. I just finished reading "The Shack" which i wasn't really eager to read, but i really liked it. I really liked it a lot. any suggestions for my next read?
