A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hens and Chicks

Saturday morning Rick and I made an impromptu visit to
 our friends Jim & Valerie's house.
We thought if they were out and about we'd stop 
otherwise we'd venture back to the homestead.

We found them milling around the neighborhood visiting new neighbors
Jim spotted us and we were quickly corralled, 
we turned the car around and went to gaze at Valerie's beautiful blooming flower's, visiting as we walked. 

I loved hearing the stories about each plant and it's origins.
as well as admiring the beautiful display of colors.

Here's one of the best parts....
Valerie shared some of her pretties with me,
I was gifted these little plants
Mom had them when I was growing up... I remember

They are called Hen & Chicks

Aptly named Sempervivum, derived from the Latin "semper" meaning
 "always" and "vivo" meaning "to live,"
The meaning of the plant reminds my of our friendship.... Always & alive
The spot
When I got home I walked the yard,
 looking for the perfect spot to plants my hen & chicks
I gathered a few rocks we have round the landscape 
(they come from the north shore)
and I planted my little treasures

 I will alway think of Valerie and our lasting friendship when I 
walk by this  (once barren) spot in my shade garden.


  1. Perfect. They just look perfect! I know you will enjoy them as much as I do mine. Flowers from friends create a friendship garden. We are so happy you stopped by!

  2. I happen to know how much Valerie enjoyed your visit. I'm glad you girls had a nice time and got to share your love of flowers.

  3. I've always liked hens and chicks, think the name is so cute too. I love the spot you choose, and I think it is so neat that a friend gave them to you!

  4. Mom, did you have those once in the front by the tree. I feel like when I was little I liked the name of them. Maybe I'm thinking of something else. Either way, they're cute and what a good spot!

  5. I might have Brie...probably from gran. It's kinda ringing a bell now that you say it.

  6. I like that kind of hen & chic. You don't have to clean up after them.
