A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A gnawing obsession

It's not about the rings....
Oh I love rings, Lord knows... I love rings's 
It's about me not wearing my rings because of my ugly finger nails

I have bitten my nails every since I can remember.
 I think I stopped once in college for about a week and then
 I couldn't take it no more and gnawed them off.
I really hate it, really really hate it !

Does anyone have any good ideas for getting me to stop?
I've tried about everything from that nasty tasting stuff you paint on your nails to wearing gloves.
I'm willing to try anything... I'm just tired of bitting my pathetic nails


  1. Granted, it's an investment, but have you tried getting acrylic or gel nails?

  2. put nail polish on them and treat them like they are long. then instead of biting...just rub them.
    I think it's interesting that I've known you for nearly 20 years and I've never seen you bite a fingernail. You must be a closet biter :)

  3. I didn't know you wanted to try to stop. Hmm..maybe just don't bite them anymore, easy!

  4. You might need to grow them out a bit beforehand but I would suggest the acrylic nails. At least for several months until you break the biting habit and then, if you don't want to keep them up, you might try removing them and using a gel based nail polish on your natural nails. I think Kate might be able to get some of the polish from her cosmetology supply stores-you'd have to check. It's a brand new product and is supposed to be awesome! But you have to "Nip" the biting first!

  5. I don't have any ideas Jackie, sorry. My son bit his nails for about 6-9 months and then just stopped. :) Good luck!

  6. don't do acrylic. You'll go back to biting when they come off because your nails will be so THIN...and break easy and it takes FOReva to grow them healthy again. That's my experience talking.

  7. I have a really simple and less expensive solution. Lord Knows i am an Erickson to the core...So i, like you, suffer the biting and nail picking syndrome! I found a vitamin that is amazing...it makes your nails grow really fast and super strong (not to mention it makes your hair AWESOME!) Try going to Walgreens, Walmart or CVS or whateva and get these vitamins by Applied Nutrition: "Longer, Stronger Hair & Nails" http://www.appliednutrition.com/products/womens-health/longer-stronger-hair-nails/ Yes, my nails break and yes, i bite them when they snag, but for the most part, they grow really fast and really nice. I'm thrilled with the results. (You only take 2 a day..with food) try it. best $15 you'll ever spend! (well....)

  8. I swear by eating a small carton of low-fat, sugar free yogurt every day. I can't believe how strong my nails are and how fast they grow. I have never noticed your "bitten fingernails." Try the yogurt! I just want so much for you not to have the problem any longer. I don't care if you bite your nails, but it makes you unhappy and I don't want you to be unhappy.
