A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving weekend with family....

It started on Thursday Morning, making 10 pounds of mashed potato's, butter and sugaring 40 rounds of Lefse and trekking about 20 minutes to My mom & dad's home for thanksgiving dinner. 
 I was thankful for his help.

I believe there were 28 family and one friend that came together on Thanksgiving day
A little photo journal of the day and beyond.....
My older brother Rick and daughter Brianna

Nephew Josh ands son Eli, Nephew Grant (center) my Son in law, Chris
These three always have a game to play

Mom, sister Jodi, her son Sam (Right)  and his friend Tristen

My grand Nephew Jovi, he's loving the pumpkin dessert

My 2 Nieces Jensen & Alex, Jensens Dad Darin in the middle

Grand Nephew Eli (left) and grandson Carson found a quiet spot to play with Pokeman cards

The little brother Randy and a little bit of  his wife Michelle
I wish I had gotten of photo of all the family, so many are not shown here.

My son Brice's family was in Rochester but did Thanksgiving with Jennifer's family this year, 
we were excited to have them stay 2 extra days with us !

I don't ever want to forget this....
Early morning cartoons and snuggles in our bed! 
This has been something that I look forward to every time my 4 grandchildren spend the night. 

.....and making pancakes with grandma
This is the first time Lewin has made it to the counter-top to assist.
All 4 grandkids have spent time mixing pancake batter here.
taste-testing is a must  :)

The "stars aligned" and it worked out this year to have my other two grandkids help decorating the Christmas tree. The timing was perfect with Thanksgiving being so close to Christmas this year.
I just sat and soaked it all in...
Uncle Gavin helped Scarlett get high enough to put the star on top
Daddy (Brice) helping hang the vintage bulb that was mine as a child.
I  LOVE  LOVE  LOVE that the ornaments are mostly hanging on the lower 1/2 of the tree.
Its right where a 3 and 5 year old can reach. It will stay this way for a little while so I can be reminded of the sweet time spent decorating the tree with little ones.


  1. What wonderful Thanksgiving and after memories captured in these beautiful images.
