A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, January 13, 2020

It sputters a little, but NOT like grandma's old cooker.

It sat in the trunck of my car for about a week

The amazing, "Instant Pot" 
Honestly, I was afraid to take it out...

Would I use it?
Is it really as wonderful as my friends say it is?
Do I have room for it?
If I buy it.... I HAVE-TO use it!
Is it just another gimmick?
I've been eyeing this little modern pressure cooking since they made their debut a few years ago, but for all the reasons above I held off. Until the week after Christmas. I had a Target gift card and as I walked by I noticed a $30 discount, so I snatched it up....
but it stayed in the trunk until a few days ago.

I watched a few YouTube video's on how to use it
 (because I learn best by someone showing me)
I got brave and skimmed through the manual and then...
I Cooked Water, ha ha  it worked! I did it!!!

It's pretty hard to ruin water so I stepped-up-my-game and decided next would be a simple 
Mac & Cheese recipe. Granted, Kraft mac & cheese would have been faster with less steps but it was the practice that I was looking for the the mastery of a gourmet meal.

So...I found a simple, classic recipe on Pinterest
and last night I pulled up my boot straps and gave it a try.

 Pour in dry elbow macaroni, add butter, water and
 spices, seal and cook for 4 minutes....

Letting out the steam was a little scary as I remeber the sputtering and LOUD noise 
the old pressure cooker made at my Grandma's house on Christmas Eve. 
It sputtered a little but NOTHING like I expected.

Next up...add cheese and cream and milk, then stir.
 I added some spam (because we like spam)

The texture, doneness and taste were amazing. 
We enjoyed a simple Instant Pot dinner. 
Not bad for a first meal attempt!
I think I'm a fan  :)

Up next:
*White Chicken Chili
*BBQ Ribs

1 comment:

  1. I had the same reservations about the Instant Pot also. Scary, I thought. But a blog reader gifted me with one (per my wish list) and I needed to use it. I let Randy teach me because I was just too chicken to learn on my own. We made a roast beef and it came out tough and dry, not falling apart like we expected. I believe we cooked it way too long, thinking that because the roast was still partially frozen, it needed a longer cook time. We are learning and will try again. Maybe your tips will help.
