A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The day after Christmas....

The kids... and adults needed to run off a little steam after all the crazy celebrations of 
Christmas gatherings. There had been a lot of sitting around and eating.
So on Friday Brice, Jen and the kids along with Rick and I headed to Quarry Hill Nature Center.
The Nature center itself has plenty of hands-on activities for the kids...
 Like petting snakes....Scarlett was up-front and center for this activity

No time for idle chit-chat about snakes for Lew, he was off climbing the "tree roots"
Grandma climbed up and we read a few books before he was off and running again.

Scarlett was fascinated by this powerful microscope, do you see her fingerprint?

After some time inside the kids were bundled up and outside to the trails we went...
Our boy and his family

Lewin is determined to climb this wall, dad is close by to catch him if he falls.
(that's about as far as he got) 

Brice is making a little bed and pillow out of snow for his little princess. 

click on the arrow below to hear these two singing...
All of the grandkids love to sit on grandpas big strong shoulders....and sometimes they sing.


  1. What a wonderful place for a family outing. Everyone seems to be having lots of fun.
