A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Early Spring visit...

(Running a little behind on cabin posts)

Another 1st for Covid-19...
 a pre-opening visit to the cabin on April 25 -27.
No water yet means Rick fetches lake water for flushing the toilet and we bring water 
for drinking and cleaning up! 
 We make this visit every year, just to check things out before the Opening Crew, (that we hire) 
come to hook up the water and "open" the cabin for the year. 
There is a lot to this process and if things aren't done just right, pipes and major appliances can break in the spring, and that gets a bit spendy. This way if anything goes awry this company we hire pays for the damages since they also "close" the cabin in the fall. 
Rick and I opened and closed the first 3 years, but decided it was time to let 
someone else have all the fun  :)

 My chair sits next to the large window that looks right out to the lake
You will find me here early in the morning, if it's too chilly to be outside.

I had a project for out visit... Lots of pieces and some rough-idea directions.
 I assembled a little side table for our green bedroom
It's perfect!

 Mr. takes some time to get reacquainted with the lake

 My coloring project

Our 1st fire, it was a beautiful evening with no wind.

But as always our spring visit requires a bit of yard work...
Lots and lots of pine needles to rake up
we transfer them to a tarp for easy disposal into the trailer

 then off to the needle graveyard we go.

 A man and his drill....always a project.

One of our resident loons came to visit

 Our neighbor Kristie saw us sitting out and ran over to take our picture
We still cant believe this is our place, we just shake our heads and smile.
We are looking forward to another season at the cabin.


  1. Such a peaceful place in a difficult time. That's a metaphor for God, isn't it? Ruth

  2. Thanks for taking me to this peaceful slice of heaven on earth. Love all of your photos. And the one of you and Rick, beautiful.

    1. Thanks Audrey, Hopefully we can have you and Randy back sometime. We'd love that.
