A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

These times are precious, yet so hard.

Hanging on a wall in my Father-in-laws home, a photo of him (top right) and
 his grandfather (Center). Both showing off their big muscles.
My Father-in-law had quite the physique in his youth.
 As long as I've known him, up until a few years ago he has always enjoyed lifting weights.
But now...
It's hard to see him wasting away as he is in the final stages of Liver cancer.

Rick's Dad will not be with us much longer. 
Cancer has slowly invaded his liver and now there is no stopping it. 
Last week he was allowed to spend an hour or so with his wife Joanne 
who lives in a nursing home across town. 
They were made to keep their masks on and were supervised by a staff person. 
Their children (My husband Rick, his sister and brother) were not allowed inside.
 Because of Covid-19, none of us have been able to visit Joanne in the nursing home...it's so sad!

The nurse took this photo from inside, as the 3 kids visited through the glass. 
 Love this family....my 2nd family

Their have been lots of visits from Waynes own children, Grandkids and Great-grandkids, 
He is loved by many.
 My sweet daughter.... his first grandchild, helps her grandpa to the chair

Wayne is an avid accordion player, 
perhaps that's where his grandson Gavin (my youngest) gets his musical talent !
 I'm sure Gavin will have this instrument figured out in no time at all.
 Grandpa wants him to have one of his accordions! Love the smile on Grandpa Waynes' face.

 Every goodbye is hard

Grandpa Wayne is video chatting with my oldest son and great-grandchildren, 
they live in the Twin Cities!

A Hospital bed was brought into Waynes home yesterday, for ease and comfort. 
It was endearing to see my husband, pick his dad up in the bed last night and scoot him to the top.
 Wayne was too weak to get himself situated.  
He is so loved by is kids, and daughters-in-law, we will care for, and love him to the end.


  1. Oh, Jackie. So bittersweet. I love you.

  2. Oh, Jackie. This is so bittersweet. I love you. Ruth

  3. My heart is breaking. I will be praying for peace, comfort and much rejoicing when he finds his home in Heaven. May Jesus bring him home painlessly. It was a privilege to know Wayne. Sending love and light to all who know and love him. Love him greatly in his final days.

  4. Thank you so very very much for sharing these pictures and thoughts. It is so hard to watch our beloved parents age, yet each and every year we have had is such a blessing. Please give them both love from all of us. We send prayers for them and for all of you. Susan is going to get Wayne on the phone with mom so that they can say goodbye. She is also not in the best of health and is in the hospital. We thank God for our time together.

    1. Thank you for your sweet thoughts and for your prayers! I hope Wayne and your mom are able to connect. Tell your mom and dad hi from us we are praying for them as well.

  5. Beautiful words and images Jackie. What a hard time, but so obviously filled with great love. - My heart is with your family, and my prayer is for God to remain near.

  6. Oh, Jackie, I am now just reading this because I am behind on reading blogs. This loving post made my heart ache and the tears fall. Those photos, oh, my, how precious and filled with love. May God hold each of you in His peace.
