A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sorrow and Joy all mixed together...

We take comfort in the promises that death is not the end.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son,
 that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"    ~ John 3:16 

We laid my Father-in-love to rest on Sunday, June 14th 

The Friday morning before (June 5th) his 3 children, 2 daughters-in-law, and his oldest grandchild, Brianna were with him in his home as he took his final breaths! 
We witnessed peace as he departed from this life and took his 
Heavenly Father's hand into eternal life! 
Wayne loved Jesus, and he loved his family!
We will miss this strong and gentle man. 

His 6 grandkids and 9 great-grandkids were his pride and joy!
They love their grandpa Wayne so much.

 My son Brice with little Lewin (4th generation Hemmer)

These little ones were so lucky to REALLY know their great-grandpa Wayne.
I grabbed a photo of my 4 grands at the funeral.
#Covid-19 funeral

 They seem so little to have to go through this, but they were a BIG part of Great-Grandpa's life. 
G-Grandpa Wayne and G-Grandma Joanne used to babysit these two when they were younger. 
(Audrey and Carson)

My husband Loved his dad and took such good care of him these last few years. 
The grandboys are keeping close to him at the funeral. 

 Wayne's daughter Susan (center) is being comforted by
 my daughter Brianna and granddaughter Audrey.

 It was a hard weekend for our family, we will miss our Dad/grandpa. 
But we know where he is and we know we will see him again someday. 
Rest in peace dear Wayne, we love you!

In the midst of our grief this weekend, we took some time to celebrate a special young man!
 A birthday party for Carson....he's 8 (how can this be)
A new fishing pole from us. 
This boy loves to fish just like his grandma.

 Hanging out at my daughter's house 

 Uncle Gavin is always on the ground with the kids 

 Here's all 4 of my loves, 
it's so sweet to hear the little voices saying, "I wanna sit by grandma" 

Rick, just hanging out with his oldest grand, Audrey.

So many emotions this last week, sorrow and joy all mixed together.
 It was good for us all to be near each other, to share stories and reminisce. 
Our Dad/Grandpa Wayne is gone but he will live on in his children and grandchildren.
He will not be forgotten, he is "Grandpa Wayne"

One more...
this was taken about 10 days before Wayne death
I love this photo of our son Gavin, playing his Grandpas accordion. 
Can you see the smile on Waynes face, he was so proud of all his grandkids. 


  1. Dearest Jackie,

    Your pain and love and grief thread this post. Thank you for sharing each emotion. I am deeply sorry for the loss of Wayne, who was clearly much-loved. I am thankful for the hope we have in Christ. May God bless you with an extra measure of peace as you grieve. Many hugs and much love.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Audrey! The card you sent was perfect, love you friend!

  2. You all have been on my mind. It is so difficult to lose our parents/grandparents. It's been 33 years since my grandma died and I still think of her almost every day. Same with Kirk's parents ... I miss them so. The blessing is that we will see them again.

    1. Thanks friend....Kirks parents were so sweet. Iknow you miss them, it's hard, but youre right, we will see them again.
