A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Father's Day, but one is missing this year.....

2 weeks ago, Rick lost his dad to cancer. 
Rick inherited some great traits from his dad, his artistic abilities, his natural way of woodworking and building things, and his calm and kind demeanor. Rick has his dad's eyes and that twinkle that comes along with it when he sees his family. My Father-in-law, Wayne was like another dad to me, and always made me feel like one of his own. 
This year we will miss him and wish he were still here, the loss is so recent. 
Rick and his dad 
 4 years ago on this same weekend,
 Wayne and Joanne spent Father's Day weekend with us at the cabin. 
We will cherish those memories forever.

I am blessed and so lucky to still have my dad, he will soon be 84 years old but still has some adventure in him,
despite the dementia that continues to progress.
Dad recently asked me if I wanted to "take the mustang for a drive".
How can I say no? 
It had been a while since I drove a manual transmission, dad seemed quite impressed with my skills

Love my Dad!

There are some other special dads in my life, they are not my dad but I love them just the same 
and I'm proud of the Dad's that they are to some pretty special people in my life.
I love this man, the Father of my children. 
God handpicked him to be mine and the dad to my kids. 
So much inherited goodness wound up in these 3 kids of ours. 
All three of them are so much like their dad! 

One of them is a dad to his own....such a good dad.
Brice loves those littles like no other.  I see the twinkle in those babies eyes when they play with their daddy. They adore him, and love him. I see a lot of Rick in Brice...he's a good daddy.

 Then there's Chris, (our son-in-love) he grew up without a father figure, but he has certainly figured it out!
 It's such a joy to see the love these littles have for their daddy.  
 They still crawl up in his lap, he plays with them and encourages them to try new things.
He is a good daddy!

Rick and I are at the cabin this Father's Day, we will relax and enjoy some time here for a few days.
I will call my Dad tomorrow and then catch up with him next week.
Brianna took her dad to lunch yesterday, just the two of them, 
and I'm sure the boys will give him a call tomorrow. 
Hope you all have a great Father's Day weekend.....any special plans?

Happy Fathers Day Rick  <3 p="">


  1. Nothing like family and watching your kids with their families. Enjoy your time at the cabin!
    (also, I know that beach VERY well that Chris and kids are at)-- I grew up going there!

    1. Watcing your kids become parents is the best ever. That's neat that you recognized that beach :)

  2. What a loving and beautiful tribute to the dads in your life. Love this, Jackie.
