A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Our hero

4 years ago today.....
A day we will never forget
Our sweet Carson was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes

"Mayo Air" came to Park Rapid where we were vacationing to fly him back to Rochester.

This is not a post of complaint or of whoa-is us, 
but a post that comes from the heart of a grieving grandma! 
Grief is not only for times of death, but it also strikes in times of tragedy and illness, and
 when "normal" is taken away and replaced with something that is scary, confusing, and may never go away, it grieves me... it involves someone who is part of my heart.

I still pray for a miracle, that Carson will be healed from this horrible disease!
I won't give up hope. It's not something I dwell on but I pray daily for healing. 

I also THANK God for the many blessings and answered prayer for Carson.
 Carson has miraculously never had to be hospitalized, for out-of-control blood sugars and other things related to Type 1 Diabetes! He has remained healthy and is a
 happy, smart, joyful boy despite the Diabetes.
I believe that his parents are the reason Carson does so well, they have gone above and beyond to research and understanding those things that go beyond just giving insulin and carbohydrates to treat out-of-range blood sugars. Carson is a lucky boy to have a mamma and dad who do their best to try and tame the unseen rage that happens in the body of their little boy.
 It's all so very complicated.

 We love this little guy so much, he is amazing and we are proud of him for being so brave!
 We know he will continue to succeed in all he puts his mind to

Carson, you are our HERO

This is what Type 1 Diabetes looks like

Carson, we have no doubt you will continue to be the amazing boy you've always been.
 Funny, happy, smart, responsible, and very handsome. 
Type 1 diabetes does not define the perfect boy that you are.


  1. Jackie, I really appreciate this update on your sweet Carson and am thankful he is managing his disease. I also appreciate your bringing attention to grief, an aspect I think many fail to recognize. I understand. I empathize.

    1. Thank you Audrey, I know you get it!
