A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Spring flowers...

Spring flowers and perennials are so pretty, 
I only wish they would last longer.

Crocus's are some of the first to come up in my shade garden, most years they get covered by a coat of snow but usually survive thanks to a quick melt

Lilly of the Valley cover most of the garden
and the bleeding hearts never disappoint
Purple Columbine come last. 
The Garden Gnome is the protector of the garden, so far it's working. 

My little G-daughter bends down to smell the Daffodils during an early visit to the Plummer House

I found this pretty little Rose plant at our local grocery store in Park Rapids
I bought one for me and one for my mom, her's is the classic Red color.

This week I will be planting my Zinnia's, and putting in a few Annuals.
It's a good thing I've waited given the near freezing temps  the last few days.



  1. I love Lily of the Valley and have a bunch of it in our wooded area. Bleeding hearts are also a favorite of mine. Planted my zinnias awhile ago and they are coming up nicely, thank goodness for that, this weather is nasty!

  2. Did you reuse Zinnias seeds this year? Cant wait to see yours!

  3. I planted some zinnia seeds yesterday, too. We don't have much sun in our yard so I'll see how they do in the pot next to the garage.

    1. I'm excited to see how they turn out, I bet they'll do fine!
