A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, March 26, 2018

A sleepover and bowling with the grands...

Rick and I, LOVE LOVE LOVE spending time with our grandkids. 
Time, distance and schedules dont always allow for having them as often as we would really like to. But then again that's what makes it special when we do get together.

 We had asked my daughter mid-week if we could have A & C  over-night this last Saturday. 
The answer was a big YES!

We decided on Saturday we would take them bowling, 
 Uncle Gavin joined us as well.

Dark + no flash + cell camera = blurry 
The first half was "Extreme bowling" 
They shut the regular lights off and and replace it with "bluelights" so everything appears neon,
 loud music is playing, so it's quite a party atmosphere.

A little footage of Carson, it was so fun to watch his cute technique. 
Hands up in the air, then sad look at the end when he didnt knock down many pins.
(He really wasn't sad, he was just being silly)

Notice the 4 strikes in a row....
Gavin is a good bowler, he's not on a league, but bowls a lot with friends. 

The sleepover went well, the kids are so good and easy to have around.
Sunday morning we were ready for church early, so the kids asked if there were 
any chores they could do..... 
 "Why yes there is, said the grandma"

 They Straightened the toy bookshelf
Folded a load of towels

And organized grandma's shoes
 Of course there was a little payout for their hard work.

Love these little ones so much, They are growing up fast....too fast

*We got a video chat from our Twin Cities grands Sunday night... a perfect end to our weekend.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

If only I had a robotic arm extension...

How many of you have those kitchen cabinets with the 
corner cupboards that go so far back that you would have to have a 4 foot arm
 to reach to the things you need in the back?
P.S. "Lazy Susan's" are not the answer here, yes those are helpful but they are not without their own problems. Things fall off them, way in the back, so your still unable to reach back there, and you aren't able to utilize the full space of the cabinet.
The Blue arrow above shows the depth of the cabinet. 
This angle shows the back side of the cabinet, the breakfast nook.

Another view from the front side of the cabinet. That opening is also a problem, hard to tell here but it is very narrow,  throughout the years I had to send my kids in to get what I needed.

More recently It's become a frustration of mine so I talked to Rick about opening up the back side so 
things would be easy to get at.... I'm not getting any younger, 
and contorting my body into this crevasse is not fun.

This is a project that I would consider "out of sight, out of mind"...
at least for Rick who never has to get into this cabinet.
So a couple of gentle reminders last week and he was all over it.

 Cutting the hole in the back side is NOT as easy as it looks, but this guy can do anything.

The opening is done....and I'm excited

Doors are up and staining in progress.

My husband is the best! I shouldn't be surprised at what this guy can do. 
It's perfect and looks like it's always been this way. I was like a giddy housewife putting thing back in the cupboards, rearranging the heavy and most awkward things in the front (or should I say back)  :)
P.S. My guy did our flooring too! 

 Love my new cupboard, but I love my sweet husband more. 
Another example of the love he has for me.
LOVE is a verb 

 The finished "Look" 

On a side note I might add.... My guy also cleaned up all the dust he created on the upper level of the house. He also knows that one of my worst torments in life is dust, so he took care of it. 
Love is a verb

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

We got our fix... family, celebration and grandkids

It was fun to have a little surprise birthday celebration for our Gavin on Saturday night. 
All the kids and grandkids were here which is the best thing ever in my book!!!

We met at Red Lobster... Gavin's favorite (Gavin Left center)

We came back to the house for the traditional singing of the 
Happy Birthday song and cake!

All who can, come and gather once a year at Red Lobster for Gavin's birthday.
The little girl cousins wanted to sit next to each other.

Grandpa and his grand boys.

Winding the night down, watching Mickey Mouse with Grandpa before the 
Rochester kids head home for the night

My best attempt at trying to get an updated family photo with camera on a tripod and set on a timer. Guess who's not looking at the camera.... Guess who know's better?
I was feeling so bad for Lewin, he was not to thrilled to stop playing and have a photo done.

 ...fast forward to the next day

Lewin is modeling a 3rd generation outfit that my husband wore as a little boy.
It was passed on to our boys from my Mother in law and now I'm passing it on to Lewin.  
The fabric is so soft from 50+ years of washing. 
The clothing line is called "Buster Brown"...any one remember???
I brought out a bag of shirts and shorts that I had saved.
 I think Its so cool that his daddy, uncle Gavin and grandpa all wore this outfit  

 Running off a little energy before this sweet one gets in the car for the trip back home.
What I thought was gonna be a walk became a full out run..."catch me Grandma".

 My Grandbabies remind me everyday just how blessed we are. 
They are all so close in proximity that we can really see them often, especially when we are needing that "fix"....you grandma's out their know what I mean  :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

There is more to Duluth than Lake Superior....

Lake Superior is a big draw for Duluth, as well as the harbor and the lift-bridge.
photo from 2013

 If you've never seen the ocean it's a good substitute for the viewing benefits ... 
most would not choose to swim in the frigid cold waters of Lake Superior as it stays 
very cold even in the summer, although our crazy kids did swim in it a few times,
 but they are kids and they'll do anything.
Rick and I have actually watched surfers on some the substantial waves of Lake Superior.

The views change a little in the winter. It's not shipping season so the lift-bridge is dormant for a few months, but still worth a walk around the harbor to get some fresh air.
The winter bring strong winds off the lake, even me... "the winter lover" can't stay out in the elements for long as wind gusts of 30-40 mph hit the area over the weekend.
Notice the smile.... that's not just for the camera! 
I loved everything about this day
The shipping lane is clear of ice, but beyond that...it's solid

There is more to Duluth than Lake Superior, it's a beautiful city full of 
amazing homes Mansions, parks and gardens. 
Sometimes we just drive...and look! 

Rick and I also enjoy trying new restaurants in the area
 "Canal Park Brewery" was recommended by a co-worker. We were not disappointed.

On this visit (being off-season, and affordable) we decided to stay right in Canal Park. 
The shops and many restaurants are within walking distance and we love not having to drive everywhere we go.   *It was much cheaper not having to pay for parking (with a time limit)

Rick and I both love to browse the shops
 I thought of my son Brice when I picked up this moose made of leather. 
I took the photo and sent it to him as I knew he would enjoy this, being a leather craftsman himself.

 This row of hats made me think I my son Gavin... 
the man who always has a hat on his head.

then I saw this.....Truth in my heart!

Sunday morning we attended a church service in a little church on a hill. "East Ridge" was very similar to the church we attend in Rochester and also much like our church we attend up north. 
Sorry for the blurry image but behind the worship team was a large window with
 a back drop of woods. Just Beautiful... I think we found our church in Duluth.

 The view from our hotel room

and then the sunrise.

Thanks for following along on our trip to Duluth, does anyone else love Duluth? 
What are some of your favorite things to do in the area, I have only shared a few.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

So many blessings.... in the form of nature and life

 My favorite guy and I ventured out for a little get-away to Duluth this weekend.
 We love Duluth no matter the season. 
We still walk/hike in the snow, we still enjoy the majesty of Lake Superior, 
we enjoy nature, rest and relaxation and trying new restaurants.
But best of all, we enjoy time together away from the routines of home.
I am so thankful for this man of mine who hangs out with me and 
goes along with my spur-of-the-moments whims. 
Even if something is not his favorite he is willing to go for the adventure without hesitation. 
I am usually the instigator, and he happily agrees, "Let's do it"

Yesterday did not disappoint as we headed to Brighton Beach on the outskirts of Duluth to see what we could see....
 The ice was breaking up before our very eyes, waves moved along huge ice chunks perpendicular to the shore, we stood and watched for what seemed like and hour until the ice was all gone. 

Today we returned to do some more walking along the shore,
blessed again by nature in the form of a pine tree...
Decorated with bright colored Christmas bulb.
This kind of stuff just make me giddy.

I sat for a moment 
that guy of mine snapped a photo of me. 

Tomorrow we head home right into a "Winter Storm Warning"
 We accept the challenge, but would love prayers for safe travels!