A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Anyone need $10.00 ??

I havent seen it , but apparently there is a creature in our basement about the same size as this picture, It move so fast that it's uncatchable and I have put a $10.00 bounty on it's head. I am physically sickened by the thought that this grotesque thing is lurking in my home. YUCK. I'm hoping that when Brice comes home from the cities today he will desperately need the $10.00 and begin the hunt. (God help us ) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Piles and Piles

It's Saturday and it's hot. I got the air conditioner running so it feel lovely in the house. Things are all good at the homestead. Brianna has been busy as a beaver all stinking week going through all her stuff, organizing and throwing away. She has created quite a pile of clothes and other rnadom things, so we have decided to have a rummage sale on June 24th. The living room is pretty much occupied with her stuff, I think it will be staying there until the Sale. The hallway is also clogged up with huge storage boxes and a supply of "crayola" crayons & colored pencils. The picture below shows a sad faced brianna as she has come to grips with realizing she must toss her
"Park Rapids" hoodie that she got when she was about 7.
Last week Brianna and Chris brought Laura over to Rochester to try on dresses for the wedding (Laura is a junior attendant)
In the picture below Laura is a little bored and decided to lay down and take a rest. She's a silly girl for sure :)
Just a sampling of Brianna's treasures for the garage sale.
I would like to take a little nap now, but I wont.... I should be folding clothes

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

American Idol

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I knew It would be you....... Taylor, You Da man. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006


My Sister Jodi informed me that I "MUST BE BUSY", since I havent updated my blog in awhile. So I guess I'll do an update :)
My weekend was sort of busy, I have to try and remember what I did........... Friday I worked until 8:30pm, it was an exasperating night, i was glad to be done, I then came home and got off my feet. Saturday, Rick and I ran some errands in the morning, then I ran some more errand with Brie, then when I got home it was time to go to the Cachairas wedding. "CONGRATS CHRIS ANS KRISTINE". We got to sit with Sharalyn and Dennis, the other Hemmer's and Gene and Cozy.....how cool is that :) It was tons of fun, whoop whoop
Sunday morning it was early to church and then, it was my week to hold babies in the nursey, I only had one baby which was good since my partner never showed up. So i had fun with little Luke. We had lunch at the mall and were blessed by the presence of two lovely ladies, Dora and Whit, I Love you two, thanks for eating with us,
Fun Fun.
I had to head back to the church by 3:00 to help prepare for our new youth minister candidate picnic. It all went well, lots of peeps came to meet Todd and his family. My sis jodi and her Family popped in for a brief visit at the church, Sam helped tape down tableclothes and set up chairs while Jodi and I chatted for a few minutes (never enough time). Jensen got to see the Chapel where she will be walking as flower girl in Brianna's wedding. She was a little quiet, but cute as always.
Got home about 7:30, sat in the driveway for awhile talking to Rick and Brie and Chris. Then the 4 of us ventured to the Dairy Queen. I didnt have anything cuz I was froze to the bones. Brrrrrrr. We got home and turned on the fireplace Mmmmmmmmmmmmm warm :)
Today Brianna and I, did wedding related stuff, Got the mantoux test read and had lunch at Noodles. Now I am at home, watching Brice unpack the van, it's full of his apartment stuff. Brianna has stuff spread out from her Bedroom down the hallway into the living room, Brice will certainly fill the family room as he organizes what to do with all his stuff. MY HOUSE IS A DISASTER<>
In all reality it sooooooooo good to have both those kids home again, YAY for a summer of kids at home. I love it :)
Rick and I will soon leave for Gavin's last track meet of the season. What a great day for it.
Well now that I've wrote a book, I better wrap it up.
Check out some fun summer pictures below. (cant possibly do a blog without pictures :)

It's like "getting high"

My Laundry, there is nothing better than hanging laundry out on a summer day that is about 66 degrees with a light breeze and the smell of fresh cut grass all around me. Oh man, there is no drug that could ever take the place of that feeling. I get "HIGH" on it.
OK now you all think i'm whacked out. Posted by Picasa

My Columbine Posted by Picasa

My Lily of the Valley Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006


These pictures are kinda out of order, but I think it's funny that way.
Gavin throwing discus in the all city meet.
Brice and Gavin hanging out. I Love these two boys.
Let it fly Gavin.........

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My Pretty Mothers Day Flowers from my Beautiful kids. The red roses from Brice, the 1 pink rose from Brianna, the yellow mums from Gavin and the garden flowers from all 3. ( I think their daddy had a little to do with it too ) I also Got 3 very special cards. Gavin's homemade card is one that only a mother would love...very special Gavin. Love you kids a bunch :) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Zombie like


Well, I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night before I got up at "MINUS a million-o'clock" (4:40am) I just couldnt sleep and every time I looked at the clock it just made me sick. Ugh, Blah, Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Well I have to get up and repeat the same thing tomorrow morning. I sure hope I sleep tonight, otherwise I might just have to cry like a baby...for real !

I went from 11 hours at work, to watch Gavin's track meet, then put $50.00 gas in the van, then home to fold clothes while watching American Idol. Now I'm staring like a zombie into the computer screen.


I should go outside and look at my pretty flowers that i got for Mom's day, but I dont know if I can get up. Enough for now, I just need to move.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The best Mom in the whole wide world


Thanks for being a great mom and a pretty cool grandma for my kids.
We love you like no other...... Jackie, Rick, Brie, Brice and Gav-man

Friday, May 12, 2006

Girlsfriends....you cant live without them :)

Thanks for dragging me away from the toilets this morning to have coffee with you. It was a tough decision but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Hee Hee
Me and my friend Cheri.
This is the one I have laughed and cryed with. (sometimes we've laughed a little too hard, and we know what happens then). We pretty much can talk about anything, Our conversations can get down to the nitty gritty, huh cheri :)
All Girls need a friend just like Cheri. She has taught me so much, she's a great encourager and listener, and she always.......always knows just what to say.
I have been Blessed with such a precious friend
I Love you Cheri

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I like to take pictures.....can you tell?

I decided to go out this afternoon and take some pictures, I felt rather bored so that's what I did. I planted some new perrenials today in my front flower bed. Cant wait for them to bloom.....You can bet that there will be more pictures.

Lilacs in full bloom Posted by Picasa

Lilacs are so pretty and they smell good too Posted by Picasa

Nest in our deck, the momma bird was having a fit when I was taking this picture Posted by Picasa

Can you tell where my yard ends and the neighbors starts????? Posted by Picasa

The 6 dandeloins in my yard....now they are gone Posted by Picasa

Light in the laundry room Posted by Picasa

Looking out my basement window from the computer desk Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

My Beautiful "Cushion Spurge" I've got some extra sprigs if anyone wants one come dig it out. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 8, 2006

The last few days

It's Monday, the weekend went by so fast. I was hoping to hang all my laundry out on the clothes line today but the threatning weather brought that idea to a halt. The dryer is getting it's exercise today. Lets see, what have I been up to the last few days......
Saturday woke up with a headache, the kind that doesnt go away with drugs, the kind that makes my eyes hurt when they move. I still go about my day, cuz the headache aint going anywhere. Rick and I went to ACE Hardware and bought a new "Weber" grill. So we cooked up some Pork chops..mmmmm mmmmmm good. I've decided to step down from my position as head grill cook. I have given this position over to my loving husband who is happy to conquer this new role. The chops were scrumptious dear :)
After supper we went on a walk around our neighborhood, it was quite refreshing. When we came home Rick started a campfire in the backyard. Chris came out also so we all sat and chatted around the (smokey) fire.
Sunday I woke up with the same headache that I still had from Saturday morning, so I stayed home from Sunday school, but ventured out to attend the church service. After church I attended at brief meeting at church. Then I went to the mall, chatted a bit with the peeps and ate with Kellie and Jill. I came home sat in the sun for awhile and decided to mow with my head still pounding. After I finished mowing my headache was gone and hasnt come back. I think it was the smell of the fresh cut grass, I love that smell and its very soothing to me. Yay for mowing.
Then Rick and I took Gavin to the track field and watched him throw discus. He's such a good little thrower.
We had Spaghetti for supper, sat outside in the swing for a bit then came in for the night.
Today..... it's a day of nothing, just laundry and errands. I like that :)

Friday, May 5, 2006

Hats off to you BRIANNA

Thursday night was the "Pinning ceremony". Brianna received her nursing pin from WSU. It was a nice program which involved the students and their professors. Rick and I got to meet all Brianna's close nursing buddies and we talked with all her favorite teachers. We had a nice reception following the program, then the 3 of us went to Green mill for supper.
Today Rick, Brice, Gavin, Cara and I headed over to the big graduation ceremony. We stopped by St. Mary's University and picked up Megan, then met Chris, Susan and the Grandparents at the ceremony. Brianna's friends Casey, Kelsey and Heather also came to see Brianna walk across the big stage and receive her diploma.
It was a very long program (as graduations usually are) but we made it through. We took lots of pictures and then headed to Culv's in Winona. That was of course a grand time, yay for Brianna you done good :)
Brianna We are so proud of the awesome young lady you have become. You have accomplished so much, and I know it wont stop today. I'm excited for your future as a nurse, you will be an excellent one indeed.

May 5, 2006

Congratulations Brianna, You did it. We are (OH) so very proud of you. You will be the best nurse in the whole wide world, I'm sure of that.

More Graduation pictures

Chris and Brianna
After Graduation Party
A strange bunch of characters......You picked some pretty special friends Brie
Cara and megan....Friends for life
The family. We are so proud of our Brianna

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Flowers by Bricey's place

Today is such a beautiful day. A soft coolish warm breeze, the kind that makes your eyelids heavy. Not too hot, temperature is perfect and NO humidity. Humidity is my enemy.
I had a good morning and some "girltime" with my friend Julie W.
After that I came home to mow.....oh the smell of fresh cut grass is almost too much to bear. The yard looks beautiful, I spotted 4 dandelions which I quickley torn their roots right out of the ground (can't stand those things) I think my neighbors grow them as flowers. How lovely of them seeing as how dandelions multiply like RABBITS. Shesh There ought to be a law.
Now I need to go to work and take care of peeps till around 1am (unless we get done early). tomorrow I get my haircut which Iam looking forward to. It's getting a little shaggy. I better go while the goings good. later ya'alls